Senin, 04 Juni 2018

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British and american spelling â€

Many of the differences between English and English English date back to a time when the spelling standard has not been developed. For example, some spelling seen as "America" ​​today was once commonly used in the UK and some spelling seen as "English" was once commonly used in the United States. "English Standard" began to emerge after the publication of 1755 Samuel Johnson English Dictionary , and the "American standard" began following Noah Webster's work and in particular his book An American Dictionary of the English Language first published in 1828.

Webster's attempts at spelling reform are somewhat effective in his home country, resulting in a well-known spelling pattern between American and English English. However, the English spelling reform is rarely adopted otherwise, and modern English orthography is somewhat different across countries and is far from phonemic in any country.

Video American and British English spelling differences

Historical origin

At the beginning of the 18th century, the English spelling was inconsistent. These differences become apparent after the publication of the influential dictionary. The English spelling of today's day mostly follows Johnson's (1755), while many American English spellings follow Webster American English Dictionary ("ADEL", "Webster Dictionary ", 1828).

Webster is a supporter of the English spelling reform for both philological and nationalistic reasons. In America's Revolutionary Friends (2008), John Algeo notes: "It is often assumed that the typical American spelling was created by Noah Webster.He was very influential in popularizing certain spellings in America, but he did not start them. instead [...] he chooses an existing choice such as center, color and check for simplicity, analogy or etymology ". William Shakespeare's first folio, for example, uses spellings like center and color as much as center and color . Webster attempted to introduce some reformed spellings, as the Simplified Spell Board did in the early twentieth century, but was largely unopposed. In Britain, the influence of those who favor the spelling of Norman's (or Anglo-French) words proves to be decisive. Then the spelling adjustment in the UK has little effect on the current American spelling and vice versa.

For the most part, the spelling system of most Commonwealth and Irish countries is very similar to the British system. In Canada, the spelling system can be said to follow the form of English and American, and Canada is somewhat more tolerant of foreign spellings when compared to other English-speaking countries. The Australian spelling also slightly deviates from the English spelling, with some American spellings incorporated as standard. The New Zealand spelling is almost identical to the English spelling, except in the word fiord (not fjord ). There is also an increase in the use of macros in words derived from M? Ori and preferences are not ambiguous for the -ise suffix (see below).

Maps American and British English spelling differences

Latin spell-derived (often through Romance)

-our , -or

Most words end up with no pressure -our in English English (eg, colors , < i> sense , behavior, port , honor , humor , labor neighbor , rumors , splendor ) ends with -or in American English (< span lang = "en-US" title = "English subtitle"> color , sense , behavior , port respect , humor , workers , neighbors , rumors , splendor ). Wherever the vocals are not reduced in the spelling, say, contour , velor , lover and singer the consistent spelling where - where.

Most of these words are from Latin, where they are spelled -or . They were first adopted into English from early French, and eventually spelled -or or -ur . After the British Norman conquest, it eventually became -our to match the spelling of Ancient France. The -our suffix is ​​used not only in new English language loans, but also applied to previous loans that have been using -or . However, - or is still sometimes found, and the first three folios of the Shakespeare drama use both spellings before they are standardized into -our in Fourth Folio 1685. After Renaissance, new loans from Latin taken with the original -or ends and many words ending in -mu (for example, chancellor and government ) back to -or . Many words from the -our/or group do not have a Latin partner; for example, armo (u) r , behavior (u) r , harbo (u) r , neighbo (u) r ; also arbo (u) r , which means "shelter", although the sense of "tree" and "tool" is always arbor , the original keyword of another word. Some British scholars of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries did insist that -or be used for words from Latin (eg, color ) and -our for French loans; but in many cases its etymology is unclear, and therefore some scholars recommend - or only and others you only.

The Webster Dictionary 1828 has only -or and is given a lot of credit for the adoption of this form in the United States. In contrast, Johnson's 1755 (pre-independence and establishment) dictionary uses -our for all English-spelled words (such as colors ), but also for words in where u has been dropped: ambassadour , emperor , governor , perturbatour , inferiour , superiour ; errour , horrour , mirrour , tenour , terrour , tremor . Johnson, unlike Webster, is not a supporter of spelling reform, but chooses the best spelling, as he sees it, from a variety of sources. He prefers French rather than Latin spelling because, as he says, "French people generally supply us". English speakers who move to America take this preference with them, and HL Mencken notes that " honor appears on 1776 Declaration of Independence, but it seems to have been there not by chance rather than by design. In the original design of Jefferson it is spelled "honor".In English, examples of color , sense , behavior , port , and neighbor rarely appear in Old Bailey court records of the 17th and 18th centuries, while there are thousands of examples of their colleagues -our One exception is the honor . Respect and honor are common in the UK to the next century e-17; honor still exists, in England, the usual spelling as a person's name and appears in Honor Oak , a district in London.

Derivatives and inflection forms

In the derivative form and inflection of the words -our/or , the use of English depends on the nature of the suffix used. The u is stored before the free English suffix attached to English words (eg environment >, without humor , and savory ) and the Greek or Latin endings that have been adopted into English (for example in favorites , respectable , and behaviorism ). However, before the Latin suffix can not be attached freely to English words, u :

  • can be dropped, for example in honor honor , honor , excited , > humorous , painstaking , and refreshing ;
  • can be dropped or stored, for example in colo (u) rations and colo (u) rize or colourise ; or
  • can be saved, for example in colourist .

In the use of the American language, derivative and inflection forms are created by adding suffixes in all cases (eg, favorites , < i> savory etc.) because u is not there to start.


American usage, in many cases, makes u in glamor , which comes from Scottish instead of Latin or French. Glamor is sometimes used to mimic the spelling reform of other -our words to -or . However, the adjective glamor often drops the first "u". Savior is a rather common variant of rescue in the US. English spelling is very common for honor (and supports ) in the formal language of wedding invitations in the US. The name of Space Shuttle Endeavor has u in it as a spaceship named after the Captain's ship James Cook, HMS Endeavor . The special car on the Amtrak Train Coast Starlight is known as the Pacific Parlor car, not the Pacific Parlor . Proper names like Pearl Harbor or Sydney Harbor are usually spelled according to their original spelling vocabulary.

The herbal savory name is thus spelled everywhere, although the related adjectives savo (u) ry , such as savo (u) r , has a u in the UK. Honor (name) and arbor (tool) have -or in the UK, as mentioned above. As a common noun, thoroughness has u in the United Kingdom; the medical term thoroughness (sometimes ) does not, as in rigor mortis , which is in Latin. The derivation of precision / thoroughness as strict , however, is usually spelled without u even in the UK. Words with end -irior , -erior or spelled alike.

The word armor was once somewhat commonly used in America but has disappeared except in some brand names like Under Armor.

Commonwealth Usage

Commonwealth countries usually follow the use of the United Kingdom. Canadian English most often uses -our ending and -our - in derivatives and inflections. However, because of the close historical, economic, and cultural relationships with the United States, the end-of-the-end (or end) is sometimes used. Throughout the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, most Canadian newspapers opted to use American end-use , initially to save time and money in the era of manual types that could be moved. However, in the 1990s, the majority of Canadian newspapers officially renewed their spelling policy for the use of English -our . This coincides with renewed interest in Canadian English, and the release of the Canadian Dictionary Gage which was updated in 1997 and the first Oxford Canadian Dictionary in 1998. Historically, most libraries and educational institutions in Canada have supported the use of the Oxford English Dictionary rather than American Webster's Dictionary. Today, the use of a typical set of Canadian English spellings is seen by many Canadians as one of Canada's unique culture (especially when compared to the United States).

In Australia, - or end enjoyed some use throughout the 19th century and in the early 20th century. As in Canada, most Australian newspapers have switched from the " -or " to " -our ". The spelling " -our " is taught in national schools as part of the Australian curriculum. The use of all the most famous countries of the - or end is for Australia's , originally called "Party Australian Workers "(the name adopted in 1908), but is often referred to as" Labor "and" Labor ". The "Labor" was adopted from 1912 onwards due to the influence of the American labor movement and King O'Malley. In addition, -our is now almost universal in Australia. New Zealand English, while sharing some words and syntax with Australian English, follows the use of English.

-re , -er

In English English, a few words from French, Latin or Greek end with a consonant followed by an un-pressed -re mark (pronounced /? (r)/). In American English, most of these words have the end of -er . The difference is the most common for words ending in -bre or -tre : English spelling caliber , center , fiber , goitre , liter , luster , manuvers , thin , meters , partners , nitre , < i> oker , reconnoitre , saber , saltpetre , grave , gloom , specter , theater (see exceptions) and titer all have -er in spelling America.

In the United Kingdom, spell -re and -er are commonplace before Johnson's dictionary is published. In the first folio of Shakespeare, the -er spelling is used most. Most English words today use -er spelled -re at one time. In American English, almost all of these have become -er , but in English is just some of them. Words ever spelled -re include chapters , December , catastrophe , enter filter , mail , members , ministers i>, November , number , October , offers , oyster > powdered , exact , September , drunk and soft . Words using "- meter" suffixes (from ancient Greek - ?????? via post-Latin Class meter ) usually have /i> spell from the earliest use in English. Examples include thermometers and barometers .

The e that precedes r is stored in inflated noun and verb forms, for example, fiber , collect , center , fiber , reconnoitred and centering each in English English. Centering is an interesting example, because, by OED , it is a < i> "word... of 3 syllables (in a careful pronunciation)" (that is, /'s? nt? r?/), but there is no vowel in spelling that matches the second syllable (/?/). The three-syllable version is listed only as an American pronunciation of centering on the Oxford Dictionaries Online website. The e is dropped for other derivations, for example, middle , fibrous , spectral . However, the existence of related words without e before r is not evidence for the English spelling -re : for example, entry and signed are from enter , which has not been spelled entre for centuries.

The difference is only related to the root words; -er than -re is universal as a suffix for agentive users ( reader , winner , ) and the comparative form ( harder , better ). One result is the English difference meter for the meter of meter for the long unit. However, while " poetic meter " often -re , pentameter, hexameter dll. Always -er .


Many other words have -er in English English. These include the Germanic words; such as anger , mother , wood and water and romantic words danger , quarter and river .

End -cre , as in acre , lucre , massacre , and mediocre , is used in English and American English to show that c is pronounced /k/ than /s/. The spelling of ogre and euchre is also the same in English and English American.

Theater is an American spelling used to refer to both art and dramatic buildings where stage performances and movie screenings take place (ie, " cinema "); for example, national newspapers such as The New York Times will use theater in the section entertainment. However, the spelling of theater appears in the name of many New York City theaters on Broadway (see Broadway Theater) and elsewhere in the United States. In 2003, the National Theater of America was named by The New York Times as "American National Theater ", but the organization using "re" in spelling out his name. John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts in Washington, DC has a more general American spelling theater in reference to The Eisenhower Theater, part of the Kennedy Center. Some cinemas outside New York also use the spelling theater . (Note also that the word "theater" in American English is a place where stage performances and film screenings take place, but in English English "theater" is where the stage shows take place but not film screenings - this takes place in theaters.)

In addition, the spelling of theater is sometimes used in the United States when referring to the theater art form, while the building itself, as mentioned above, is generally spelled theater . For example, the University of Wisconsin-Madison has a "Department of Theater and Drama", which offers courses leading to the "Bachelor of Arts in Theater", and whose recognized Purpose is "to prepare our graduate students for a career of the century 21 who are successful in the theater both as practitioners and scholars. "

Some placenames in the United States use the Center in their name. Examples include Stonebriar Center malls, Rockville Center towns and Centerville, Center County, and Center College. Sometimes, these places are named before spelling changes but more often the spelling serves only as a pretense.

For English accoutre , American practice varies: Merriam-Webster Dictionary prefers spelling -re , but the Dictionary of American Language from English prefers the spelling -er .

The newer French loan words keep the spelling -re in American English. This is not an exception when French-style pronunciation is used (/r?/ instead of /? (R)/), such as with double meaning , genre and oeuvre . However, /? (R)/ end-use -er is used more (or less often) with multiple words, including cadres , horrible , maÃÆ'®tre d ', Notre Dame, piastre , and timbre .

Commonwealth Usage

The ends of -re are mostly standard across the Commonwealth. The spelling is recognized as a minor variant in Canada, partly due to American influence, and sometimes used in appropriate names (such as Toronto's controversial Centerpoint Mall).

-ce , -se

For suggestions / suggest and devices / compose , English American and English English both keep the word noun-noun work both graphically and phonetically (where the pronunciation is - /s/ for nouns and - /z/ for the verb). For licensing or practice , English English also makes verb-verb nouns (though phonetically two words in each pair are homophonized with - < span title = "Representation in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)">/s/ pronunciation). On the other hand, American English uses license and practices for nouns and verbs (with - /s/ pronunciation in both cases as well).

American English has kept Anglo-French spelling for defense and infringement, defense and infringement in English English. Likewise, there is pretense America and English pretense ; but derivatives like defensive , offensive , and pretensions are always spelled on both systems.

The use of Australia and Canada generally follows the UK.

-xion , -mark

The spelled connexion is now rare in everyday English usage, its use is reduced due to reduced Latin knowledge, and it is not used at all in the US: the more common connections have become standardized in the whole world. According to the Oxford English Dictionary the old spell is more conservative etymologically, since the original Latin word has -xio - . US usage comes from Webster, which ignores -xion and prefers -ction . Connexion was still the London home style of the Times until the 1980s and was still used by the British Post Office for its telephone service in the 1970s, but by then it had been overtaken by connections in regular use (for example, in more popular newspapers).

Complexion (originating from complex ) is a worldwide standard and compliance is rare. However, the corrected adjective (as in "dark forgetfulness"), although sometimes rejected, is the standard in the US as an alternative to skin , but it is not used in this way in the UK, although there is rare use to mean complicated .

In some cases, words with the "old-fashioned" spelling are widely preserved in the US for historical reasons (see Connexionalism).

The Difference Between British And American English - Lessons ...

Spelling derived from derived Greek and Latin

ae and oe >

Many words, especially medical words, written with ae/ÃÆ'Â| or oe/oe in English English are written only with e in American English. The sound in question is /i:/ or /?/ (or, without pressure, /i/, /?/ or /?/). Example (with non-American letters in bold ): a eon , an a emia , an a esthesia , c a ecum , c a esium , c o eliac , diarrh o ea , the encyclop a edia , f a eces , f o etal , gyn a ecology h a emoglobin , h a emophilia , leuk a emia , o esophagus , o estrogen a edic (Although in the US, the majority of college, university and residency programs, and even the American Orthopedic Orthopedic Academy, still use spelling with ae digraph, pain usually uses a short form.), pal a eontology , p a child , p a edophile . aetiology is accepted in American English but is considered a minor variant of enology , while archeology and ameba is in Bahasa English American, English version archeology and amoeba is more common. The chemical haem (referred to as shortening h a emoglobin ) is spelled heme in American English, to avoid confusion with hem .

Spelled words in American English include a aesthetics and arch a eology (which usually wins over aesthetic and archeology ), and pal a estra , which is a simple form of palestra described by Merriam-Webster as "primarily Brit [ish]."

Spelled words in English English include encyclop a edia , hom o eopathy , cham a eleon , medi a eval (minor variants in AmE and BrE), f o etid and f o etus . The spelling of f o etus and f o etal is English based on false etymology. The correct etymological spelling of the fetus reflects the original Latin and is the standard spelling in medical journals around the world, the Oxford English Dictionary notes that "In Latin manuscripts both f Tus and < i> fetus used ".

The Ancient Greek dihthongs & lt; ?? & gt; and & lt; ?? & gt; transliterated into Latin as & lt; ae & gt; and & lt; oe & gt;. Ligatures ÃÆ'Â| and oe are introduced when sound becomes monophthong, and then applied to non-Greek words, in Latin (eg, coeli ) and French (for example, oeuvre ). In English, which has adopted the words of the three languages, it is now usual to replace ÃÆ'â €/ÃÆ'Â| with Ae/ae and OE/oe Oe/oe . In many words, digraphs have been reduced to one e in all types of English: for example, o economy , a emium , and a enigma . On the other hand, it's stored in all varieties: for example, phoenix , and usually a court call , but Phenix in Virginia. This is especially true for names: Caesar Oedipus , Phoebe , etc. There is no reduction in Latin -ae forms (eg, larv ae ); or where digraph & lt; ae & gt;/& lt; oe & gt; not the result of Greek style ligatures: for example, maelstrom , toe . The English form plane is an instance (compare other aero words like aerosol ). Now the North American aircraft in North America is not the passionate but companion modeled after the airplane and the aircraft . The word plane originated from 1907, at that time the prefix aero - was trisyllabic, often written aÃÆ' Â «r - . spelling coming from the Greek (often through Latin and Romance)

-ise , -ize ( -content , -isation )

Origin and recommendations

The spelling -ize is often mistakenly seen as Americanism in Britain. However, the Oxford English Dictionary OED recommends -ize and notes that -ise spelling of the French: "The suffix... whatever element it adds, comes from the Greek - ????? , Latin z , there is no reason why in English a specific French spelling should be followed, contrary to what is at once etymological and phonetic. "The < i> OED form list -ise as an alternative.

Publications by Oxford University Press (OUP) - such as Henry Watson Fowler's , Hart Rules , and Oxford Guides for English Usage - also recommend -ize . However, Robert Allan Use of Modern English from Pocket Fowler considers the spelling acceptable anywhere except in the US. In addition, Oxford University itself disagrees with OUP, but supports -ise rather than -ize in its staff-style guides.


American spelling avoids the -ise suffix in words like set , realize and recognize .

Most English spellings use -ise , while -ize is also used ( set / set , realize / conscious , recognize / recognize ): the ratio between -ise and - ize stood at 3: 2 at the British National Corpus until 2002. The spelling -ise is more commonly used in the British press and newspapers, including The Times (which changed the convention in 1992), The Daily Telegraph The Economist . Meanwhile, -ize is used in several UK-based academic publications, such as Nature , Journal of Biochemistry and The Times Literary Supplement. The dominant use of English English from -ise is favored by Cambridge University Press. The use of the English minority English of -ize is known as the Oxford spelling and is used in the Oxford University Press publications, notably the Oxford English Dictionary. This can be identified using the en-GB-oxendict IETF language tag (or, historically, by en-GB-oed ).

In Canada, ending -ize is more common, while in Ireland, India, Australia and New Zealand -ise the spelling is very applicable: -ise more form preferably in Australian English with a ratio of about 3: 1 according to the Macquarie Dictionary .

The same applies to derivatives and inflections such as colonization /colonization , or modernization / modernization

The worldwide suffix, -ize wins in scientific writing and is commonly used by many international organizations, such as the United Nations Organization (such as the World Health Organization and International Civil Aviation Organization) and the International Organization for Standardization not by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). The EU style guide requires use - ise . Proofreaders at EU Publication Offices ensure consistent spelling in official publications such as Official Journals (where legislation and other official documents are published), but the spelling of -ize can be found in other documents.


Some verbs ending in -ize or -ise do not come from the Greek - ?? ? ?? , and their ends are therefore not interchangeable:

  • Some words only take the form -z - around the world, for example upside down , seize ( except in the legal terms seized or for confiscation ), the size and the gift (just in the sense of "judging"). This, however, does not contain the suffix -ize .
  • Others just take -s - worldwide: advertise , advise , rise , punish , circumcise , composed , compromise , die , insult >, compose , disguise , excise , exercise , franchise , guise i>, Improvise , incise , reprise , revise , up , watch , alleged , surprise , television and wise . Some of them do not contain suffix -ise , but some do.
  • One special case is the verb for gift (meaning "force" or "leverage"), spelled gift in the US and gift elsewhere, including Canada, although in North American English it is almost always replaced by pry , rear formatting of or altering prizes . A topsail schooner built in Australia in 1829 is called Enterprize, while there are US ships and spacecraft named "Enterprise".

Some words spelled with -ize in American English are not used in English English, etc., For example, the burglarize verb , is regularly formed on a noun thieves rear formation instead of burglarise .

-yse , -yze

The suffix -yse is English and -yze is American. Thus, in English English analysis , catalyze , hydraulic and paralyzed , but in American English > analyze , catalyze , hydrolyze and disable .

Analyzing seems to be the more common spelling in the 17th and 18th English languages, but many of the major dictionaries of the time - John Kersey of 1702, Nathan Bailey in 1721 and Samuel Johnson of 1755 - prefer < i> analyze . In Canada, -yze applies, just like in the US. In South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, -yse stand alone.

English verbs ending in -lyse or -lyze are not similar to the Greek verb, which is ??? lÃÆ'º? ("I'm releasing"). Instead they come from the noun form ????? lisis with -ise or -ize suffix. For example, the analysis is derived from the French analyzer , formed by the haplology of the French analysis, which will be spelled analysise analyze in English.

Hart's Rules for Composites and Readers at Press University, Oxford states: "In verbs such as analyzing, catalyzing, paralyzing, -something is part of the Greek rod (corresponding to the element -class ) instead of a suffix like -ize . The spelling -yze is therefore etymologically wrong, and should not be used unless the American printing style is being followed. "

-of , -og

English and other Commonwealth English use ending -log while American English generally uses ending -log for words like analog (ue) , < i> Catalog (ue) , dialogue (ue) , monologue (ue) , homolog (ue) , etc. , as in catalog , is used in the US, but catalog is more common. Also, in American English, dialogue is a very common spelling compared to the dialog, although both are treated as acceptable ways to spell words. (thus inflection forms, catalogs and catalogs vs. catalogs and catalogs). Words like demagogue , pedagogue , and synagogue are rarely used without -ue even in American English.

In Australia, analog is the standard for adjectives, but both analog and analog are the currents for nouns; in all other cases, the end of -gue is very strong, eg monologue , except for expressions like dialog box in computing, which is also used in the United Kingdom. In Australia, analog is used in its technical and electronic sense, as in analogue electronics . In Canada and New Zealand, analogue is used, but analog has some currencies as technical terms (for example, in electronics, as in "analog electronics" as opposed to "digital electronics "and some video-game consoles may have an analog stick ). The -ue does not exist all over the world in related words like analogies , analog , and analogis .

English and American English use the spelling of -gue silently -ue for certain words that are not part of the -ogue set, such as < i> tongue (cf. tong), plague , unclear , and league. In addition, when > -ue is not silent, as arguing words, ague and segue, all variations of English usage -gue.

Commonwealth Usage

In Canada, e is usually preferred over oe and often more than ae , but oe and ae is sometimes found in academic and scientific papers and government publications (eg cost schedules from Ontario Health Insurance Plan). In Australia, the media and medieval are spelled with e rather than ae , as in use in America, and > Macquarie Dictionary also notes a growing trend to replace ae and oe with e worldwide. Elsewhere, English usage is applicable, but spelling with just e is increasingly being used. Maneuver is the only spelling in Australia, and most commonly in Canada, where maneuvers and manoeuvers are also sometimes found.

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Multiple consonants

Duplicated in English English

The final consonant of a word in English is sometimes duplicated in American and English spellings when adding a suffix beginning with a vowel, eg stripped/stripped, which prevents confusion with stripe/striped and shows the difference in pronunciation (see digraph). Generally, this occurs only when the final syllable is emphasized and when it also ends with a single vowel followed by a single consonant. However, in English English, the end of -l is often duplicated even when the last syllable is not pressed. These exceptions are no longer commonplace in American English, presumably because of Noah Webster. The spelling is still regarded as a variant received by the Merriam-Webster Collegiate and American Heritage dictionaries.

  • The English English multiplier is used for all inflections ( -ed , -ing , -er , - est ) and for the noun suffix -er and -or . Therefore, the use of English English canceled , counselor , cruel , labeled , modeling , quarrel , signal , explorer and traveling . Americans typically use the undone , counselor , the cruel , labeled , modeling , quarrel , signal , explorer and traveling . However, for certain words like canceled , spelling -ll - is very common in American English as well.
    • The word parallel stores one -l - in English English, as in American English ( parallel , unmatched ), to avoid unattractive groups -Let- .
    • Words with two vowels before the end of l are also spelled with -ll - in English English before the suffix when the first vowel acts as a consonant ( equates and initialized ; in the United States, match or initialed ), or include separate syllables (English > fuoeloling and dioalled ; American fuoeloing and dioaled ).
      • English wool is a further exception because of double vowel (America: wool ). Also, wool is accepted in American English, although wool applies to both systems.
      • Verbs surveillance , back formations of surveillance , always make surveilling , surveilled .
  • The suffix -ize / -ise , -isme , -ist , -to does not usually duplicate l in English English; for example, normalize , dualism , novelist , and devil .
    • Exception: tranquilizer ; duellist , medalist , panelist and sometimes triallist in English English.
  • For -ous , English English has one l in scandal and dangerous , but "ll" In exceptional and slander .
  • For -ee , English English has libellee .
  • For -age , English English has pupillage but vassalage .
  • American English sometimes has an un-disturbing -ll - sign, like in English, in some words where root has -l . This is the case where changes occur in the source language, which is often Latin. (Example: bimetallism , cancellation , chancellor , crystallize , very good , < i> tonsillitis , and raillery .)
  • All forms of English have been forced , advanced , pushed , rebellious (note the voltage difference); reveal , fool (note double vowel before l); and hurling (consonants before l ).
  • Canadian and Australian English mostly follow the use of English.

Among the consonants other than l , the practice varies for a few words, such as where the final syllable has secondary or un-reduced vowel pressure. In the United States, the spelling of kidnapped and worship , introduced by Chicago Tribune in 1920, is common, but kidnapped and worshiped won. Kidnapped and worshiped is the only standard English spelling. However, focused is the dominant spelling in English English and American, focused only a small variant in English English.


  • English calliper or caliper ; American caliper .
  • English Jewelry ; American Jewelry . The word comes from the Old French word jouel (whose contemporary French equivalent is joyau , with the same meaning). The standard pronunciation does not reflect this difference, but the non-standard pronunciation (which is in New Zealand and the UK, then the hooked Cockney slang tomfoolery i > ). According to Fowler, jewelry is used to be a "rhetorical and poetic" spelling in the United Kingdom, and is still used by The Times into the mid-20th century. Canada has both, but is more commonly used. Similarly, the Commonwealth (including Canada) has jewelery and the United States has jewelery for the gemseller (le).

Duplicated in American English

On the contrary, there are words in which English writers prefer one l and double Americans l . In the use of American language, the spelling of words usually does not change as they form the main part (not the prefix or suffix) of other words, especially in newly formed words and words whose main parts are commonly used. Words with this spelling difference include wil (l) ful , skil (l) ful , thral (l) dom , app ly , fulfill (l) , fulfill (l) ment , register (l) ment , install (l) ment . These words have a syllable one syllable always written with -ll : be , skill , thrall , pall , content , scroll , kiosk . Cases where one l persists in English American and English including null -> annul , cancellation ; to -> to (though some prefer til to reflect one l in to , sometimes using quotation marks ( 'til ); this should be considered hypercorrection as to preceding use to ); and others where the relationship is not clear or a single-syllable family is not commonly used in American English (for example, null is used primarily as a technical term in law, mathematics, and computer science).

In the UK, one l is generally preferred in distil (l) , instil (l) , register (l) , and enthrall (l) ment , and enthrall (l) , although ll were used; this is always spelled with ll in the use of the American language. Previous English spells install , fullness , and dulness are now quite rare. The Scottish tolbooth is a cognate with tolbooth , but has a different meaning.

In both US and English languages, the words usually spelled -Lll will usually drop the second l when used as a prefix or suffix, for example full < i> -> useful , handfuls ; all -> omnipotent , all ; good -> well being , welcome ; cold -> chilblain .

Both the English meets and the Americans fulfill never use -ll - in the middle (ie * fill and * Fullfil is incorrect).

Johnson is in doubt of this problem. His dictionary in 1755 gave lemmlizes distil and implanted , downhill and climbed .

British English Vs American English Spelling - Learn Now

Drop "e"

English English sometimes keeps silent "e" when adding suffix where American English does not. In general, English English drops it in just a few cases where it is necessary to show pronunciation whereas American English only uses it where needed.

  • England prefers aging , Americans are usually aged (compare rage , ageism ). For nouns or verbs "routes", English English often uses routes , but in America routing is used. The military term routine forms routing everywhere. However, all of these words form a "router", whether used in the context of carpentry, data communications, or the military. (eg, "Attacus is Hun's successor in....")

Both forms of English remain silent "e" in the words coloring , adoring , and swingeing (in the sense of dye >, singe , and swinge ), to distinguish from dying , singing , swinging > (in the meaning of dead , singing , and swinging ). In contrast, the verbs bath and the English verb bathe both form a bath . The two forms of English vary for tinge and clink ; both prefer cringing , hinging , crashing , syringing .

  • Before -able , English prefer fun , liveable , rated , < i> sold , large enough , unshakable , where American practice would prefer to drop "-e"; but English English and Americans prefer breathing , curable , can be coded , fun , can be driven , important , can be proven , can be selected , can be measured , can be solved , can be used , and those with multiple rooted tiles, such as trustworthy or decidable . Both systems remain silent "e" when necessary to maintain a soft "c", "ch", or "g", as in traceable , can be stored , may change ; they usually store "e" after "-dge", as in knowledgeable , can not be bridged , and not negotiable ("Rights this can not be fixed ").
  • Both abridgment and the more regular abridgement are current in the US, only the latter in the UK. Likewise for the word lodg (e) ment . Both the judgment and the judgment are used interchangeably wherever, although the former is applicable in the US and the second is applicable in the United Kingdom except in legal practice, where scoring is standard. This also applies to abridgment and acknowledgment . Both systems prefer beginners to fledgeling , but ridgeling to ridgling . Both acknowledgment acknowledgment , abridgement and abridgement are used in Australia; Shorter forms are supported by the Australian Capital City Government. Regardless of when "e" is dropped and in the word gaol and some pronunciation margarine , "g" can only be gentle when followed by "e", "i", or " y ".
  • The word "blue" always drops "e" when it forms "bluish" or "bluish".

Pictures: British Spelling Differences, - ANATOMY LABELLED

Hard and soft "c"

A "c" is generally soft when followed by "e", "i", or "y". One word with pronunciation that is an exception in English English, "skeptical", is spelled "skeptical" in American English. See the different Spelling Differences below.

Photos: Organization Spelling Difference, - ANATOMY LABELLED

Past time difference

This is a special case of spelling #Different for different pronunciations.

In the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, it is more common to end some past tense verbs with "t" as in learning or dreaming than or dream . However, such spelling is also found in American English.

See also meter/meter , for which there are English English differences between etymological forms associated with different meanings ("meters" as measuring instruments, eg ammeter or water meter) but the American Spelling standard is "meter". The spelling used by the Bureau of Weights and International Size is the "meter". The spelling is also common for long units in most English speaking countries, but only the "meters" of spelling are used in American English, and this is officially supported by the United States.

The Difference Between British And American English - Lessons ...

Different spelling for different pronunciation

In some cases, essentially the same word has different spellings that reflect different pronunciations.

As well as the various cases listed in the following table, the past tense of some irregular verbs differs both in spelling and pronunciation, as with smelt (English) versus smelling (US)) (see English and American English differences: Verb morphology).

Pictures: British Spelling Differences, - ANATOMY LABELLED

Different spelling differences

In the table below, the main spelling is above the accepted alternative spelling.

Compound and dash

British English often prefer hyphenated compounds, such as anti-smoking , while American English prohibits the use of hyphens in compounds where there is no compelling reason, so smokers much more common. Many dictionaries do not show such a difference. Canadian and Australian uses vary, although Commonwealth authors generally use hyphenate elements of nouns plus phrases (such as editorial chief ). The great commander in force in all forms of English.

Compound verbs in English English are written more frequently than in American English.

  • more or more : In the "longer" sense, the single word form is common in North America and Australia but not unusual elsewhere, at least in formal writing. Other senses always have two words; so that Americans distinguish "I can not love you anymore [so I leave you]" from "I can not love you anymore [than I've done]". In Hong Kong English, more is always two words.
  • forever or forever : The use of traditional English English makes the distinction between forever , meaning for immortality (or a very long time to in the future), as in "If you wait for income tax to be abolished, you may have to wait forever"; and forever , meaning it continues, always, as in "They are forever arguing". In today's English usage, however, forever applies in the sense of "forever" as well, regardless of some style guides that maintain the distinction. American authors typically use forever regardless of what they mean (though forever in a "relentless" sense of relative rarity in American English, have been displaced by always ).
  • close by or nearby : Some British authors make a distinction between adverbial close to , written as two words, as in " No one is close "; and adjacent adjectives , written as one, as in, "Houses nearby". In American English, a single word spelling is the standard for both forms.
  • percent or percent : This can be spelled correctly as one or two words, depending on the Anglophone state, but one of the spellings must always be consistent with its use. English English mainly speaks as two words, as well as English in Ireland and countries in the Commonwealth of Nations such as Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. American English mostly speaks as one word. Historically, it was spelled as two words in the United States, but its use was diminished; Nevertheless it is a variant spelling in American English today. Spelling differences are reflected in the newspaper style guides and other media agencies in the US, Ireland, and Commonwealth nations. In Canada (and occasionally in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, other Commonwealth countries, and Ireland) percent are also found, largely sourced from American press agents.

Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronyms are pronounced as words that are often written in case titles by Commonwealth authors, but usually as capital letters by Americans: for example, NASA/NASA or Unicef ​​UNICEF . This does not apply to abbreviations that are pronounced as individual letters (referred to by some as "initialisms"), such as US , IBM , or PRC (Republic Chinese people), which is almost always written as capital letters. However, sometimes case titles are still used in the UK, such as Pc (Police Police).

Contractions in which the final letter is present are often written in English English without stopping/full period ( Sir , Lady , Dr , St , Ave ). Abbreviations where the ending letter is not present usually stop full/period (such as vol. , etc. , ie , ed. ); British English shares this convention with France: Mlle , Mme , Dr , Ste , but M. for Monsieur . In American and Canadian English, abbreviations such as St. , Ave. , Sir. , Madam. , , Dr. , and Jr. , usually requires a full stop/period. Some of the initials are typically uppercase letters in the US but lowercase letters in the UK: liter/liter and its compounds ( 2Ã, L or 25Ã, mL vs. 2Ã, l or 25Ã, ml ); and ante meridiem and post meridiem (10e, 10e, PM) or 10i, PM vs. <10a, pm or 10Ã, Â ° pm ). Both AM/PM and a.m./p.m. is acceptable in American English, but US style guides are very fond of a.m./p.m.


The use of quotation marks, also called quotation marks or speech marks, is complicated by the fact that there are two types: single quotes (') and double quotes (").The use of English, at one stage in the past, the preferred single quotation mark for regular use, but double quotation marks are now becoming increasingly common: American usage is always preferably double quotation marks, such as Canadian, Australian and New Zealand English.This is the practice of changing the type of quotes used where there are quotes in quotation.

The worship was then, and in American English is still there, to place the endpoints (dots) and commas inside the quotes, regardless of meaning. English English has moved away from this style while American English has kept it. British style now prefers to emphasize according to meaning, where punctuation only appears inside quotes if they are in the original. The practice of formal English English requires a full stop to be put in quotes if the item quoted is a sentence

Source of the article : Wikipedia
