Sabtu, 09 Juni 2018

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Keeping Our Food Safe - QUICKTALK ONLINE

Food safety is a scientific discipline that explains the handling, preparation and storage of food in a way that prevents food-borne diseases. The occurrence of two or more cases of the same disease resulting from the consumption of common food is known as an outbreak of foodborne illness. This includes a number of routines to be followed to avoid potential health hazards. In this way food security often overlaps with food defenses to prevent harm to consumers. The trail in this line of thinking is security between industry and market and then between markets and consumers. In considering industry practice to market, food safety considerations include food origins including practices related to food labeling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticide residues, as well as policies on biotechnology and food and guidelines for the management of government import and export. inspection and certification systems for food. In considering the market for consumer practice, the usual notion is that food should be safe in the market and the concern is the safe delivery and food preparation for consumers.

Foods may transmit pathogens that can cause illness or death of another person or animal. The main media are bacteria, viruses, fungi, and fungi (which are Latin for mushrooms). It can also serve as a growth and reproduction medium for pathogens. In developed countries there are complex standards for food preparation, whereas in less developed countries there is a lack of standards and enforcement standards. Another major problem is the availability of adequate safe water, which is usually an important item in the spread of disease. In theory, 100% food poisoning can be prevented. But this can not be achieved because of the number of people involved in the supply chain, as well as the fact that pathogens can be introduced to food no matter how many precautions are taken. The five main principles of food hygiene, according to WHO, are:

  1. Prevents contamination of food with pathogens that spread from people, pets, and pests.
  2. Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contamination of cooked food.
  3. Cook food for the appropriate time period and at the appropriate temperature to kill the pathogens.
  4. Store food at the right temperature.
  5. Use safe water and safe raw materials.

Video Food safety


Related food safety issues and regulations:

  • Farming practices and animal farming
  • Practice making food
  • Food additives
  • New food
  • Genetically engineered food
  • Food label

Maps Food safety

ISO 22000

ISO 22000 is a standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization related to food safety. It is a common derivation of ISO 9000. ISO 22000 standard: International standard ISO 22000 establishes requirements for food safety management systems involving interactive communication, system management, prerequisite programs, HACCP principles. ISO 22000 was first published in 2005. This is the culmination of all previous efforts from various sources and areas of food safety that are of concern to provide end products that are as safe as possible from pathogens and other contaminants. Every 5 years the standards are reviewed to determine whether revisions are necessary, to ensure that standards remain relevant and useful for business as possible.

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A 2003 World Health Organization (WHO) report concluded that about 30% of food poisoning outcomes reported in the WHO European Region occur in private homes. According to WHO and CDC, in the United States alone, every year, there are 76 million cases of foodborne illness that cause 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths.

Looking into the future of European food safety and nutrition policy

Rules by jurisdiction and agency


In 1963, WHO and FAO issued Codex Alimentarius which serves as a guideline for food safety.

However, according to Unit 04 - Health & amp; Consumer Directorate General of the European Commission (SANCO): "Codex, while a recommendation for voluntary application by members, the Codex standard serves in many cases as the basis for national law References made to the Codex food safety standards in the World Trade Organization Sanitation and Phytosanitary Steps (SPS Agreement) means that the Codex has far-reaching implications for resolving trade disputes WTO members seeking to impose stricter food safety measures than those established by the Codex may be required to justify this action scientifically. "Thus, a treaty made in 2003 signed by all member states, including all EU, in Stan Codex codex 240 - 2003 for coconut milk, sulphite-containing additives such as E223 and E 224 allowed up to 30 Âμg/kg, NOT mean, they are allowed go to EU, see Quick Alert System for Then nan and Feed (RASFF) entry from Denmark: 2012.0834; 2011,1848; id 2011.168, "unauthorized sulfites in coconut milk from Thailand". Same for polisorbat E 435: see 2012/0838 from Denmark, unauthorized polysorbate in coconut milk and, 2007. AIC from France. Only for the latter, the EU changed its regulations with (EU) No 583/2012 as of July 2, 2012 to allow this additive, has been used for decades and is absolutely necessary.


The New Zealand Foods Standard of New Zealand requires all food businesses to implement food safety systems. The system is designed to ensure food is safe to eat and to stop increasing food poisoning, and they include basic food safety training for at least one person in each business. Food safety training is provided in various forms by, among other organizations, Registered Training Organizations (RTOs), after which staff issue a nationally recognized unit of competency codes on their certificates. Basic food safety training includes:

  • Understand the dangers associated with major food types and conditions to prevent bacterial growth that can lead to food poisoning and prevent disease.
  • Potential problems associated with product packaging such as leaks in vacuum packaging, packaging damage or pest attacks, and pest-borne diseases and problems.
  • Handling of safe foods. This includes safe procedures for each process such as reception, repackaging, food storage, preparation and cooking, refrigeration and reheating, product display, product handling while customer service, packaging, cleaning and sanitation, pest control, transportation and shipping. Also includes potential causes of cross contamination.
  • Serve customers at high risk for foodborne diseases, and those with allergies or intolerance.
  • Proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures, cleaning products and proper use, and storage of cleaning items such as brushes, mops, and fabrics.
  • Hygiene, hand washing, disease, and protective clothing.

Food safety standards and requirements are set at the national level in the Food Standard Code, and are enforced in each state by the laws and regulations of the state. The law means that the person responsible for selling or serving unsafe food may be subject to heavy fines.


Food safety is a growing concern in Chinese farming. The Chinese government oversees agricultural production as well as manufacturing food packaging, containers, chemical additives, drug production, and business regulation. In recent years, the Chinese government has sought to consolidate food arrangements with the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration in 2003, and officials are also under increasing public and international pressure to solve food safety issues. However, it seems that the rule is not known by trade. Labels used for "green" food, "organic" food and "pollution-free" foods are not well known to traders and many are not clear about the meaning. A survey by the World Bank found that supermarket managers had difficulty obtaining products that met the safety requirements and found that a high percentage of products did not conform to established standards.

Traditional marketing systems, both in China and in Asia, currently provide little motivation or incentive for individual farmers to make improvements in both quality and safety as their products tend to be grouped together with standard products as they evolve through marketing channels. Direct linkages between groups of farmers and traders or major buyers, such as supermarkets, can help avoid this problem. The government needs to improve the conditions of many markets through improved management and reinvest market costs in physical infrastructure. The wholesale market needs to investigate the feasibility of developing separate parts to handle fruits and vegetables that meet established safety and quality standards.

European Union

The EU Parliament (UU) makes laws in the form of directives and regulations, many of which are mandatory for member states and which must therefore be incorporated into the national laws of their respective countries. As an enormous organization exists to remove trade barriers between member countries, and where each member country has only a proportional influence, the result is often seen as a 'bureaucratically fit' one size fits all 'approach. However, in relation to food safety, the tendency to make mistakes on the side of maximum protection for consumers can be seen as a positive benefit. The EU Parliament is informed about food safety issues by the European Food Safety Authority.

Each Member State may also have laws and other controls regarding food security, provided they do not prevent trade with other countries, and may differ greatly in their internal structure and approach to the control of food safety regulations.

Beginning December 13, 2014, the new law - EU Food Rules for Consumer Regulation 1169/2011 - requires the food business to provide allergy information on unpacked food, for example for food catering, deli counter, bread and sandwich bars.


The National Agency for the Security of Food Sanitation, Environment and Labor (Anses) is a French government agency that deals with food security.


The Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Consumer Protection (BMEL) is the Federal Ministry of Federal Republic of Germany. History : Established as Federal Minister of Food, Agriculture and Forestry in 1949, this name did not change until 2001. It was later renamed the Federal Ministry of Consumer, Food and Agriculture Consumer Protection. On November 22, 2005, the name changed again to its current state: the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Consumer Protection. The reason for this last change is that all resorts should get the same rankings achieved by sorting resorts alphabetically. Vision : A balanced and healthy diet with safe food, different consumer rights and consumer information for various areas of life, and strong and sustainable agriculture and perspectives for our rural areas are important goals of the Federal Ministry of Food , Agriculture, and Consumer Protection (BMELV). The Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety is under the control of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Consumer Protection. It performs several tasks, which contribute to safer food and thereby intensify the protection of health-based consumers in Germany. Food can be produced and sold in Germany without special permission, as long as it does not cause damage to the consumer's health and meets the general standards set by law. However, producers, operators, importers, and retailers are responsible for the food they provide to the circulation. They are obliged to ensure and document the safety and quality of their food by using in-house control mechanisms.

Hong Kong

In Hong Kong SAR, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department is responsible for ensuring that food sold is safe and feasible for consumption.


In Hungary, the National Food Chain Safety Office controls food business operators including agricultural producers, food processors, retailers, caterers, suppliers of input materials and private laboratories. Its activities also include risk assessment, risk communication and related research.


Food Security and Indian Authority Standards, established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, are regulatory bodies related to food safety and laying of food standards in India.

New Zealand

New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA), or Te Pou Oranga Kai O Aotearoa is a New Zealand government agency responsible for food safety. NZFSA is also a controlling authority for the import and export of food and food related products. NZFSA in 2012 is now a division of the Ministry for Primary Industry (MPI) and is no longer its own organization.


The Pure Food Ordinance 1960 consolidates and improves the law with respect to the preparation and sale of food. The goal is to ensure the purity of the food supplied to the people in the market and, therefore, provide to prevent counterfeiting.

Laws of Hotels and Restaurants Pakistan, 1976 applies to all hotels and restaurants in Pakistan and seeks to control and regulate service standard (s) by hotels and restaurants. In addition to other provisions, under article 22 (2), the sale of contaminated food or beverages, not prepared hygienically or served in unhygienic or clean equipment is a violation.

South Korea

Korean & amp; Drug Administration

Korean food & amp; Drug Administration (KFDA) has been working for food safety since 1945. It is part of the South Korean Government.

IOAS Organic Certification Board Registered in KFDA: "Organic" or related claims may be labeled on food products if organic certificates are considered valid by the KFDA. KFDA recognizes organic certificates that can be issued by 1) IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Farming Movements) accredited certification bodies 2) government accredited certification bodies - 328 bodies in 29 countries have been registered in KFDA.

Food Import Statement: According to the Food Import Report, it should report or register what you import. The competent authority is as follows:

National Food and Drug Safety Evaluation Institute

The National Food and Drug Safety Evaluation Institute (NIFDS) also works. The National Food and Drug Safety Evaluation Institute is a national organization for toxicology tests and research. Under Korea Food & amp; The Drug Administration, the Institute conducts research on the toxicology, pharmacology, and analysis of their food, drug, and additive risks. The Institute seeks primarily to understand important biological triggering mechanisms and improve methods of human exposure, sensitivity, and risk assessment by (1) conducting rigorous, biodiversity-based, rigorous, biological testing that triggers harmful effects on regulated products such as food, food additives, and drugs, and operates a national toxicology program for the development of toxicological tests and examination of the assessment of hazardous chemicals. The Institute ensures security with investigation and research on safety by researchers themselves, contract research by external academics and research centers.


In Taiwan, the Ministry of Health and Welfare that deals with Food and Drug Safety, also evaluates the catering industry to maintain the quality of food products. Currently, US $ 29.01 million of budget is allocated annually for food safety related efforts.

United Kingdom

In the UK, the Food Standards Agency is an independent government department responsible for food safety and hygiene across the UK. They work with businesses to help them produce safe foods, and with local authorities to enforce food safety regulations. In 2006 food hygiene legislation changed and new requirements were enacted. The main requirement resulting from this change is that if you own or operate a food business in the UK, you must have a documented Food Safety Management System, which is based on the HACCP Critical Point Critical Control Point principle.

United States

The US food system is governed by many federal, state and local officials. Since 1906 remarkable progress has been made in producing safer foods as can be seen in the section below. However, it has been criticized for lacking in "organization, regulatory tools, and not addressing food-borne diseases."

Federal-level rule

The Food and Drug Administration publishes the Food Code, a set of guidelines and procedures that assist the jurisdiction of food control by providing a scientifically technical and legal basis for governing the retail and food service industries, including restaurants, grocery stores and institutional service providers such as nursing homes. Governing bodies at all levels of government in the United States use the FDA Food Code to develop or update food safety rules in their jurisdictions consistent with national food regulatory policies. According to the FDA, 48 out of 56 states and territories, representing 79% of the US population, have adopted a coded food code after one of the five versions of the Food Code, beginning with the 1993 edition.

In the United States, federal regulations governing food security are fragmented and complicated, according to a February 2007 report from the Government Accountability Office. There are 15 agencies that share oversight responsibilities in the food safety system, although two key institutions are the US Department of Agriculture's Food Security and Inspection Service (FSA), which is responsible for the safety of meat, poultry and processed eggs. products, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is responsible for almost any other food.

The Food Safety and Inspection Service has approximately 7,800 inspection program officers working in nearly 6,200 fed meat, poultry, and processed eggs. The FSIS is charged with administration and enforcing the Federal Meat Inspection Act, the Poultry Product Inspection Act, the Egg Inspection Act, parts of the Agricultural Marketing Act, the Manslaughter Act, and the regulations that apply this law. The inspector of the FSIS examination examined each animal prior to slaughter, and each carcass after slaughter to ensure public health requirements were met. In the 2008 fiscal year (TA), this includes about 50 billion pounds of carcasses, about 59 billion pounds of poultry carcasses, and about 4.3 billion pounds of processed egg products. At the US border, they also examined 3.3 billion pounds of imported meat and poultry products.

US. legal legislation

Recognition of food safety issues and efforts to address them began after Upton Sinclair published The Jungle novel in 1906. It was a fictitious account of the lives of immigrants in industrial cities in the US around this time. Sinclair spent nine months as an employee at a Chicago meat factory conducting research. The book unintentionally raised public concerns about food security and sanitation in the meat packing industry of Chicago. After reading The Jungle, President Theodore Roosevelt asked Congress to pass the Food and Drug Laws and the Federal Meat Examination Act (FMIA), which was passed in 1906 and 1907 respectively. This law is the first to address food safety in the US. Misrepresented and falsified are defined because they care about food additives and the truth in labeling. Food preservatives such as formaldehyde and borax used to disguise unhealthy production processes are also discussed.

The first test and the great battle in court involving the Pure Food and Drug Act are United States v. Forty Barrels & amp; Twenty Kegs Coca-Cola , an attempt to ban Coca-Cola because of its excessive caffeine content. The Meat Inspection Act leads to the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Between 1906 and 1938, measures were made that monitor food coloring additives, and other auxiliary chemicals such as preservatives, as well as food labeling and food marketing.

During the winter of 1924-1925, the worst food congestion in the United States occurred due to improper handling of oysters. This produces a typhoid fever epidemic, and foodborne disease outbreaks are gaining national attention. Unfortunately, it was not until 1969 that the FDA began a special sanitation program for shellfish and milk, and began its focus and implementation on the food service industry as a whole.

In 1970 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) began keeping records of the deaths of foodborne diseases. This is the beginning of an effective record that can be used to control and prevent similar outbreaks in the future. The first major food recall in the US was caused by canned fungus in 1973. The outbreak of this botulism resulted in the National Botulism Supervision System. The system collects data on all confirmed botulism cases in the US. This led to a processing regulation for low-acid foods to ensure proper heat treatment of canned foods. E. coli's 1993 E-coli Jack in the Box caused the Clinton administration to put $ 43 million into the Food Safety Initiative to create many of the current special regulations. This initiative produces regulations on seafood, meat, poultry, and egg shells. This initiative produced a program for DNA fingerprints to help track the outbreak and to determine its source. It also calls for collaborative detection and response efforts between CDC, FDA, USDA and local agencies called FoodNet.

In 2011, the Food Security Modernization Act (FSMA) produced what is considered the most significant food safety law in more than 70 years. The significant difference between this and the previous action is that it shifts to the focus of the response and the incidence of foodborne diseases for its prevention. This action is still in the early stages of implementation but it gives FDA authorities to manage how food is grown, processed, and harvested.

Industrial pressure

There are concerns over the effectiveness of safety practices and food industry pressure on US regulators. A study reported by Reuters found that "the food industry endangers the health of the US public by withholding information from food safety investigators or pressing regulators to withdraw or change policies designed to protect consumers". A survey found that 25% of government inspectors and US scientists surveyed have experienced over the past year the company's interest forces their food safety agents to withdraw or modify agency policies or measures that protect consumers. Scientists have observed that management cut off field supervisors who defend food security against industrial pressures. According to Dr. Dean Wyatt, the USDA vet who oversaw federal inspectors, "Top management is not enough to support field inspectors and the actions they take to protect food supplies, not only lack of support, but direct obstruction, retaliation and abuse of power." food and beverage producers are raising food safety standards by incorporating a food safety management system that automates all the steps in the food quality management process.

State and local rules

A number of US states have their own meat-checking program that replaces the USDA inspection for meat that is only sold in the state. Certain country programs have been criticized for undue ease of bad practices.

However, other state food security programs complement, instead of replacing, federal inspections, generally with the aim of increasing consumer confidence in state products. For example, the state health department has a role in investigating outbreaks of foodborne disease diseases, as in the case of the 2006 outbreak O157: H7 (pathogenic strains of normally harmless bacteria, E. coli ) of processed spinach. The health department also promotes better food processing practices to eliminate this threat.

In addition to the US Food and Drug Administration, several states that are major producers of fresh fruits and vegetables (including California, Arizona, and Florida) have their own state programs to test products for pesticide residues.

Restaurants and other retail food companies fall under state law and are regulated by state or local health departments. Usually this rule requires an official inspection of special design features, best food handling practices, and food handling certification. In some places, numeric or numeric values ​​must be displayed clearly after each check. In some areas, defect checks and corrective actions are posted on the Internet. In addition, states can maintain and enforce their own models from the FDA Food Code. For example, California maintains the California Retail Food Code (CalCode), which is part of the Health and Safety Code and is based on the most current and safe food handling practices in the retail industry.


The Vietnamese Food Administration is a reafor that manages the cleanliness, safety, and quality of food and has made significant progress since its establishment in 1999. Food safety remains a top priority in Vietnam with growing export markets and increased food imports that increase the need to build capacity quickly Food Administration to reduce the threat of foodborne illness. The Food Administration has demonstrated a commitment to the food safety challenges it faces, and has initiated innovative capacity building activities with technical assistance from the World Health Organization.

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Manufacturer control

HACCP guides

City of Port Lincoln - Food Safety

Consumer labeling

United Kingdom

Foodstuffs in the UK have one of two labels to show the nature of product damage and subsequent health problems. EHO Food Hygiene certification is required to prepare and distribute food. Although no expiration date is specified for such qualifications, changes in legislation are recommended to be updated every five years.

Best before indicates an upcoming date beyond which food products may lose quality in terms of taste or texture among others, but it does not imply serious health problems if food is consumed beyond this date (within reasonable limits).

Usage by indicates a legal date in which it is not allowed to sell food products (usually deteriorating rapidly after production) due to the serious potential of pathogen consumption. Allowances are sometimes provided by the manufacturer in declaring the display to date so that the product is not on the safe consumption limit on the actual date stated (the latter is voluntary and not subject to regulatory control). This allows for variability in production, storage and display methods.

United States

With the exception of infant formula and baby food that must be withdrawn by their expiration date, Federal law does not require an expiration date. For all other foods, except dairy products in some states, freshness dates are very voluntary on the part of producers. In response to consumer demand, perishable foods are usually labeled with the date Sell by . It is up to the consumer to decide how long after Sell by the date the package can be used. Other common date statements are Best when used by , Date of use-by , Expiration date , Guarantee date & lt; & gt; new , and Date pack .

Australia and New Zealand

Source of the article : Wikipedia
