Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

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A toilet is the hardware used for the collection or disposal of urine and human waste. In other words: "Toilets are sanitary facilities in a user interface that allows urinating and defecating safely and comfortably". Toilets can be with or without flushing water (toilet flush or dry toilet). They can be set to sit posture or to squat posture (squat toilet). Toilet flush is usually connected to sewer systems in urban areas and to septic tanks in less developed areas. The dry toilets are connected to the pits, removable containers, composting chambers, or other storage and treatment devices. Toilets are generally made of ceramic (porcelain), concrete, plastic, or wood.

In private homes, toilets, washbasins, bathtubs, or showers may be in the same room. Another option is to have a room to wash the body (bathroom) and separate room for toilet and wash basin (toilet room). Public toilets consist of one or more toilets (and usually urinal) available for use by the general public. Portable toilets or chemical toilets can be brought for large and temporary meetings.

Many poor households in developing countries use toilets that are very basic, and often unhygienic, such as latrines and simple bucket toilets that are usually placed in latrines. Globally, nearly a billion people do not even have access to toilets at all, and are forced to defecate indiscriminately (especially in India). Diseases transmitted by the fecal-oral route or through water, such as cholera and diarrhea, can spread by defecation indiscriminately. They can also be spread by unsafe toilets that cause surface water pollution or ground water. Historically, sanitation has been a concern since the early stages of human settlements. The goal of Sustainable Development Number 6 calls for "adequate and fair sanitation and hygiene for all and ending open defecation by 2030".

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The number of different types of toilets used at the world level is enormous. Types of toilets can be grouped by:

  • Have a water seal or not (which is usually associated with rinsing or not, ie flush toilets versus dry toilets)
  • Used in a sitting or squat position (toilet seat versus squat toilet)
  • Be at the household level or in a public place (toilet room versus public toilet)

People use different types of toilets based on the country they are in. In developing countries, access to toilets is also linked to the socioeconomic status of communities. The poor in low-income countries often have no toilets at all and are forced to defecate indiscriminately. It is part of a sanitation crisis that international initiatives such as World Toilet Day attract attention.

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With water as stink seal

Flush toilet

The typical flush toilet is a ceramic bowl (pot) connected on the "rising" side to the tank (tank) that allows fast charging with water, and on the "down" side to the exhaust pipe that removes the waste. When the toilet is watered, the waste must flow into the septic tank or to a system connected to the sewage plant. However, in many developing countries, this treatment step does not occur.

The water in the toilet bowl is connected to an inverted U-shaped pipe. One side of U channel is arranged as siphon tube longer than water in a high bowl. The siphon tube is connected to the sewer. The bottom of the plumbing limits the water level in the bowl before it flows into the sewer. The water in the bowl acts as a barrier to discharge the gases that enter the building. The sewer gas passes through the ventilation pipe attached to the sewer.

The amount of water used by conventional flush toilets usually makes the most use of daily personal water. However, the design of modern low flush toilets allows the use of less water per flush. Double flush toilets allow users to choose between flush for urine or feces, saving large amounts of water over conventional units. The flush handle in the toilet is pushed upwards for one type of flush and down for the other. Another design is to have two buttons, one for urination and the other for defectation. In some places, users are advised not to rinse after urination. Flushing toilets can be tucked in to use greywater (previously used for washing dishes, laundry, and bathing) rather than drinking water (drinking water). Some modern toilets depress water in the tank, which initiates rinsing action with less water use.

Another variant is the flush toilet. This type of flush toilet has no cistern, but is watered manually with a few quarts of small bucket. The rinsing can be used as little as 2-3 liters (0.44-0.66Ã, Â ± gal; 0.53-0,79Ã, US gal). This type of toilets is common in many Asian countries. The toilet can be connected to one or two holes, in this case called "pour flush pit latrine" or "pit pit pit toilet flush toilet". It can also be connected to a septic tank.

Toilets flush on boats are usually rinsed with sea water.

High-tech toilets

The "high-tech" toilets, which can be found in countries such as Japan, include features such as automatic rinsing mechanisms; water jets or "washing machines"; blow dryer; or artificial flush to cover the sound. Others include medical monitoring features such as urine and stool analysis and blood pressure, temperature, and blood sugar checks. Some toilets have automatic lid operations, heated seats, fan deodorizing, or automatic replacement of toilet paper. Interactive urinal has been developed in several countries, allowing users to play video games. The "Toylet", produced by Sega, uses pressure sensors to detect the flow of urine and translate it into action on the screen.

Astronauts at the International Space Station use a space toilet with a urine transfer that can recover drinking water.

Vacuum Toilet

The vacuum toilets are flush toilets that require very little water and connect to a vacuum exhaust system. For example, they are used in aircraft (toilet aircraft) and on trains (toilet passenger train).

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Without water as stink seal

Many types of toilets without water seals (also called dry toilets or "non-flush toilets") exist. This type of toilet does not use water as a stink seal or to move the dirt together. For example, from the simpler to the more complex: a bucket toilet (basket of honey), a tree swamp or an arborloo (two simple systems for turning dirt into direct fertilizer for a tree), pit latrines (deep holes in the ground), toilet safes garbage under the ground until pumped out), container-based toilets, compost toilets (which mix dirt with carbon-rich materials for faster decomposition), dry toilets that drain urine (which keeps urine out of the stool), and burn and freeze toilets.

The dry toilet did not use water for flushing. They also do not produce wastewater. Some of these devices are high-tech but many are pretty basic.

Pit latrines with direct decrease

Simple hole toilets do not use water seals and collect human waste in holes or trenches. The excreta falls directly into the hole through the falling hole. These types of toilets can range from simple slit trenches to more complex systems with seating or squatting and ventilation systems. In developed countries they are associated with camping and jungle areas. They are common in rural or suburban areas in many developing countries. The latrine is also used in emergency sanitary situations.

Holes or trenches can be dug large enough so that the pits can be used for years before they are filled. When the hole is full, it may be emptied or the hole is covered with soil and pit latrines are relocated. Toilets should be placed away from drinking water sources (wells, rivers, etc.) To minimize the possibility of disease spread through groundwater contamination.

Ventilation ventilation (VIP) ventilation adds certain design features to a simple latrine that reduces flies out of the toilet, thus reducing the spread of the disease.

Vault toilet

Toilet upholstery is a toilet that is not doused with a closed container (or vault) buried in the ground to receive excreta, all contained underground until disposed of by pumping. The vault toilets are distinguished from pit latrines because the waste collects in the vault instead of seeping into the ground beneath.

Dry toilets that drain urine

The urine switch toilet has two compartments, one for urine and one for feces. The dry toilets that drain urine do not use water for flushing, and keep the urine and feces separate. This can be attributed to systems that reuse excreta as fertilizer.

Portable toilets

Portable toilets are used in construction sites, movie locations, and large outdoor meetings where there are no other facilities. They are usually self-made units that are made for easy removal. Most portable restrooms are a single unit with the privacy guaranteed by a simple lock on the door. Units are usually light and easily transported by pickup trucks and loaded and unloaded by small forklifts. Many portable toilets are small plastic or fiberglass portable rooms with lockable doors and containers for catching waste in chemically treated containers. If used for a long period of time, they must be cleaned and new chemicals are put into waste containers. To serve some portable toilets, tank trucks (vacuum or honeywagon trucks) are equipped with large vacuums to evacuate waste and replace chemicals. Portable toilets can also be a dry toilet that diverted urine.

The bucket toilet, also known as a honey bucket, is a very simple portable toilet.

Chemical toilets

Chemical toilets collect human waste in a containment tank and use chemicals to minimize odors. They do not require a connection to the water supply and are used in a variety of situations.

Plane toilets and toilets of passenger trains in the past are often designed as chemical toilets but today are more likely to be vacuum toilets. [ citation needed ]

Trump Asked For a Van Gogh, Got Offered a Golden Toilet | Fortune

Type by use posture

Toilets can be designed to be used either in a sitting position or in a squatting position.

Toilet with a seat to sit

The toilet seat is often referred to as "western style toilet". The toilet seat is more comfortable than the squat toilet for the disabled and the elderly.

Toilet squat

The squat toilets (also called "squat toilets", "natural positioning toilets", or with many national names) are any type of technological toilet (eg latrines, dry toilets drying urine, flush toilets, etc.) used in a squat position than sitting. This means that the bowel postures used are placing one foot on each side of the pit or toilet pit and squatting on it.

The squat toilets are the norm in many Asian and African countries, and common in most Muslim countries. They are also occasionally found in several European and South American countries.

In 1976, squat toilets were said to be used by the majority of the world's population. However, there is a general tendency in many countries to move from squat to toilet to toilet seat (especially in urban areas) because the latter is often considered more modern.

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There are cultural differences in socially accepted positions and preferably urinating around the world: in the Middle East and Asia, squatting positions are more common, while in the Western world standing and sitting positions are more common.

Anal cleaning habits

In the Western world, the most common cleaning method in the anal area after bowel movements is by using toilet paper or sometimes using a bidet. In many Muslim countries, the facility is designed to allow people to follow the Islamic toilet ethic of Qa? al - ?? jah . For example, a bidet shower may be included. The left hand is used for cleaning, which is therefore considered impolite or polluted in many Asian countries.

There are toilets on the market where seating has an integrated spray mechanism for anal and genital sprays (see eg Toilets in Japan). This can be useful for the elderly or the disabled.

How To Fix a Leaking Toilet - YouTube

Public toilets

Public toilets can be accessed by the general public. Might belong to or manage the city, put right off the road. This may be in a building that, although privately owned, allows public access, such as department stores, or may be limited to business customers, such as restaurants. If the usage requires a fee, it is also called a paid toilet.

Depending on the culture, there may be different levels of separation between men and women and different levels of privacy. Usually, the entire room, or cubicle or cubicle containing the toilet, can be locked. Urinal, if present in the men's toilet, is usually installed on the wall with or without a barrier between them. In its most basic form, public toilets may be nothing more than open latrines. Another form is the urinal street known as pissoir , after the French term.

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Public health aspects

To this day, 1 billion people in developing countries do not have toilets in their homes and are forced to defecate in the open. The Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) for Water and Sanitation Provision by WHO and UNICEF is the official mechanism of the United Nations assigned to monitor progress towards the Millennium Development Goals related to drinking water and sanitation (MDG 7, Target 7c). One of the goals of this goal is to: "Divide by two, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation" and publish figures on access to sanitation worldwide on a regular basis. Another organization that focuses on toilets and sanitation is the World Toilet Organization which has its founding date, November 19, used for the UN World's International Toilet Day.

Toilets are one of the essential elements of a sanitation system, although other elements are also needed: transportation, maintenance, disposal, or reuse. Diseases, including Cholera, which still affect about 3 million people each year, can be prevented largely when effective sanitation and water treatment prevents impurities from contaminating waterways, ground water and drinking water supplies.

Examples of cholera in the UK

There have been five major cholera outbreaks and pandemics since 1825. In London alone, the second killed 14,137 people in 1849, and the third took 10,738 people in 1853-54. In 1849 the British physician John Snow published a paper In Cholera Communication Mode , in which he suggested that cholera might be waterborne. During the 1854 epidemic, he collected and analyzed data that determined that people who drank water from contaminated sources such as Broad Street pumps died of cholera at a much higher rate than those who got water elsewhere.

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Toilets in developing countries

Toilet fly

"Toilet fly" is a name that is scarred for a plastic bag that is used as a container for dirt and then thrown away. Related especially to slums, they are called flying toilets "because when you have filled them, you throw them as far as possible."

Floating toilets

Floating toilets are basically a toilet on a platform built above or floating on the water. Instead of entering into the land they are collected in a tank or barrel. To reduce the amount of excreta that needs to be transported to shore, many use urine diversion. Floating toilets developed for residents with no quick access to land or connections to sewer systems. It is also used in areas affected by prolonged flooding. The need for this type of toilet is high in areas such as Cambodia.

Toilets connected with livestock or aquaculture

The pork toilet, which consists of a toilet connected to a pig pen by a parachute, is still used to some extent. It's common in rural China, and is known in Japan, Korea, and India. The "toilet fish pond" depends on the same principle, cattle (often carp) eat human feces directly.

Trump Asked For a Van Gogh, Got Offered a Golden Toilet | Fortune


Ancient history

During the third millennium BC, toilets and gutters were found all over the world. Mohenjo-Daro around 2800 BC called having some of the most advanced, with toilets built on the outer walls of the house. These toilets are Western-style, although they are primitive in shape, with vertical launches, where garbage is discharged into sewers or gutters.

These toilets are only used by affluent classes; most people will squat on top of old pots mounted on the ground or use open pits. People from the Harappan civilizations in Pakistan and northwest India have primitive water-cleaning toilets that use running water in every house connected by drains covered with burning clay bricks. The flowing water removes human waste. Indus Valley Civilization has an imperfect sewer network built under a pattern of roads.

Other early toilets that use running water to dispose of waste are found in Skara Brae in Orkney, Scotland, which is occupied from about 3100 BC to 2500 BC. Some of the houses there have channels running right beneath them, and some have a booth above the sewers. Around the 18th century BC, toilets began to appear in Minoa Crete, Egyptian Pharaonic, and ancient Persia.

In 2012, archaeologists uncover what is believed to be the earliest latrines in Southeast Asia during the excavation of a neolithic village on the archaeological site of R? Ch NÃÆ'ºi, southern Vietnam. The toilet, since 1500 BC, produced important clues about the early Southeast Asian community. More than 30 coprobes, containing fish and bones of destroyed animals, provide information about human and dog food, and the type of parasites to be faced.

In Roman civilization, toilets use running water sometimes part of the house of public baths. The Roman toilet, as illustrated here, is generally considered to have been used in a sitting position. The Roman toilet might be elevated to lift it over an open drain which periodically "washed down" with running water, instead of being elevated to sit. Romans and Greeks also use a potty, which they bring to the occasion of eating and drinking. Johan J. Mattelaer says, "Plinius has described how there are large containers in city streets such as Rome and Pompeii where the pots of water in the room are emptied, which are collected by collectors." (Fulling is an important step in the manufacture of textiles.)

The Han Dynasty in China two thousand years ago used pig toilets.

Post-classical history

Garderobes is a toilet used in Post-classical history, most commonly found in upper class homes. Basically, they are pieces of wood or flat rock that run from one wall to another, with one or more holes to sit on. It is on top of a launch or a pipe that is thrown outside the castle or Manor house. Garderobes will be placed in areas far from the bedroom to avoid odors and also near the kitchen or fireplace to keep the cage warm.

Another main way to handle the toilet needs is a pot of rooms, containers, usually of ceramic or metal, where people will remove waste. This method is used for hundreds of years; shapes, sizes, and decorative variations change throughout the century. Pot rooms commonly used in Europe from ancient times, even brought to the Middle East by medieval pilgrims.

Modern history

In the Early Modern era, pispot is often made of porcelain or copper and can include intricate ornaments. They are emptied into the ditch of the nearest road to the house.

In pre-modern Denmark, people generally defecate on farms or other places where human waste can be collected as fertilizer. The Old Norse language has several terms to refer to latrines, including garÃÆ'Â ° hÃÆ'ºs (home page), nÃÆ'¡ÃÆ' Â ° -/nÃÆ'¡ÃÆ' Â ° a-hÃÆ'ºs (rest house), and annat hÃÆ'ºs (other house). In general, toilets are functionally absent in the Danish countryside until the 18th century.

In the 16th century, sewage and septic tanks were increasingly dug in the ground near European homes as a means of garbage collection, as urban populations grew and street ditches became obstructed by larger volumes of human waste. The rain is no longer enough to clean the waste from the gutter. A pipe connects the latrine to a septic tank, and sometimes a little water is washed. The septic tank is cleaned by the merchant, who pumps out the liquid waste, then shovels solid waste and collects it at night. This solid waste, subtly known as nightsoil, is sold as a fertilizer for agricultural production (similar to the circle-closing approach of ecological sanitation).

Garderobe was replaced by storage cabinets and used buckets in early European industry.

At the beginning of the 19th century, public officials and public hygienists studied and debated sanitation for decades. The construction of underground pipelines to transport solid and liquid waste only began in the mid-19th century, gradually replacing the waste system, although septic tanks were still used in some parts of Paris in the 20th century. Even London, at that time the largest city in the world, did not need an indoor toilet in its building code until after the First World War.

The water closet, with its origins in the Tudor era, begins to assume its present form, with overhead drains, s-bends, ground pipes and valves around 1770. This is a work Alexander Cumming and Joseph Bramah. The wardrobe only began to be moved from the outside into the house circa 1850. Integral water vessels began to be built into middle-class houses in the 1860s and 1870s, first on the main bedroom floor and in the larger houses in the accommodation maid, and in the 1900's further down the hall. The toilet will also be placed outside the back door of the kitchen for use by gardeners and other outside staff like those who work with horses. The introductory speed varies, so in 1906 the predominantly working-class Rochdale town had 750 water closets for 10,000 residents.

Working class houses have transitioned from rural huts, to back-to-back urban terraces with external privies rows, to multi-storey homes in 1880 with their own private scullery and WC. It was the Tudor Walters Report in 1918 that recommended that semi-skilled workers should be placed in suburban huts with kitchens and internal WCs. Since the recommended flooring standards have changed and decreased in standard and building codes, bathrooms with water closets and then lower level rooms, are becoming more prominent at home.

Before the introduction of indoor toilets, it is common to use a chamber pot under one's bed at night and then discard the contents in the morning. During the Victorian era, the English housekeepers collected all the household chairs and took them to a room known as housekeeping cabinets. This room contains a "slop sink", made of wood with a tin layer to prevent chipping pot china room, to wash "room ware" or "room equipment". As soon as water flowed and toilet flush fell into British homes, servants were sometimes given a small room downstairs, separate from the restroom. The practice of emptying its own chamber pot, known as slopping out, continues in British prisons until recently 2014 and is still used in 85 cells in the Republic of Ireland in July 2017.

With rare exceptions, the chamber pot is no longer used. Modern related tools are bedpans and commods, used in hospitals and houses of the disabled.

Development of a dry earth cabinet

Before the widespread adoption of flush toilets, there were inventors, scientists, and public health officials who supported the use of "dry earth cabinets". One person who developed this was the British priest Henry Moule, who devoted his life to improving public sanitation after witnessing the horrors of the cholera epidemic of 1849 and 1854. He found what he called a dry earth system, somewhat similar to a compost toilet or bucket toilet. In partnership with James Bannehr, in 1860 he took a patent for the process (No. 1316). The system was adopted in private homes, in rural areas, in military camps, in many hospitals, and extensively in British Raj.

Ultimately, however, it failed to gain the same public support in Europe as a water closet, although design variations remain in use today (see dry toilets).

Development of flush toilets

Although the precursor for the widely used flush toilet system is currently designed in 1596 by John Harington, such a system was not used extensively until the late nineteenth century. With the start of the industrial revolution and associated technological advances, flush toilets began to emerge into their modern form. An important advance in the pipeline, is the S-trap, invented by Scottish mechanic Alexander Cummings in 1775, and is still in use today. This device uses a puddle to cover the bowl outlet, preventing the discharge of dirty air from the drain. It was only in the mid-19th century, with increasing levels of industrial urbanization and prosperity, that flush toilets were a widely used and marketed invention. This period coincides with the dramatic growth in sewage systems, especially in London, which makes flush toilets particularly attractive for health and sanitation reasons.

Toilet flush is also known as "water closet", compared to the earth cabinet described above. WC first appeared in England in the 1880s, and soon spread to the Continent of Europe. In America, indoor toilets were introduced in the homes of the wealthy and hotels in the 1890s. William Elvis Sloan invented the Flushometer in 1906, which uses direct pressurized water from the supply line for faster recycling times between flushes.



The Toilet was originally a French loan (first proved in 1540) which refers to the toilette ("small cloth") draped over someone's shoulder while doing hair. During the late seventeenth century, the term was used by metonymy in both languages ​​for the whole complex of care and body care centered on the dressing table (also covered by cloth) and for the equipment that composed toilet services, including mirrors, hair brushes and containers for powder and makeup. Time spent on such tables is also known as the "toilet" of a person; it becomes a period where close friends or traders are accepted as "toilet-calling".

The use of "toilet" to describe a special room for treatment came much later (first proved in 1819), following the French cabinet de toilet . Similar to "powder room", "toilet" is then used as a euphemism for rooms dedicated to urinating and defecating, especially in the context of signs for public toilets, such as on trains. Finally, it was used for plumbing fixtures in such rooms (which were apparently the first time in the United States) because of these replaced room pots, latrines, and latrines. Both of these uses, fixtures and rooms, completely replaced the meaning of other words during the 20th century except in the form of "toiletry".

Contemporary usage

The word "toilet" is the etymology of euphemism, but it is no longer understood as such. As old euphemisms have become standard terms, they have been progressively replaced by newer, euphemism treadmill examples in the workplace. The choice of words depends not only on regional variations, but also on the social situation and the level of formality (list) or social class. American producers show anxiety with its class words and attributes: American Standard, the largest company, sells it as a "toilet," but products priced higher than Kohler Companies, often installed in more expensive housing, are sold as commodity or cabinets , words that also carry other meanings. Confusingly, products imported from Japan such as TOTO are referred to as "toilets", although they carry stamps with higher cost and quality. (Toto, short for T? Y? T? Ki (???? Oriental Ceramics), is used in Japanese comics to visually show toilets or anything else that looks like a toilet; see Toilet in Japan.)

Regional variant

Different dialects use "bathroom" and "toilet" (English English), "bathroom" and "restroom" (Canadian English), and "WC" (an initialism for "water closet"), "toilet" and its abbreviation "lav" (English English).


"Crapper" has been used as a rough name for toilet, but earned currency from Thomas Crapper, which popularized flush toilets in England.

"The Jacks" is an Irish slang for the toilet. It may come from "jacques" and "jakes", the ancient English term.

"Loo" - toilet etymology is not clear. The Oxford English Dictionary records the 1922 appearance of "How much does it cost? Waterloo Watercloset." in the James Joyce novel Ulysses and against Alan SC Ross's derived argument in a certain way from Napoleon's defeat site in 1815. In the 1950s the use of the word "loo" was regarded as one of Britain's top-ranking speech markers, in the famous essay, "U and non-U English". "Loo" may be derived from French corruption l'eau ("water"), gare ÃÆ' l'eau ("water mind", used in reference to empty the potty to the street from the upstairs window), replacement ("place"), lieu d'aisance ("easy place", used subtly for toilet), or lieu ÃÆ' l'anglaise ("English place", used starting around 1770 to refer to the English-style toilet fitted for travelers). Other proposed etymologies include a tendency to place toilets in room 100 (hence "toilets") in British hotels, a dialectical corruption of the term "lee" which refers to the need to urinate and defecate with the wind before the emergence of the pump head , or the seventeenth-century preacher Louis Bourdaloue, whose long talk in Paris Saint-Paul-Saint-Louis encouraged his followers to carry the chamber pot.


See also

  • Chemical toilets
  • Portable toilets
  • Sulabh International Museum of Toilets
  • Sustainable Sanitation Alliance
  • Toilet humor
  • Toilet injuries and deaths
  • World Bath Day



Source of the article : Wikipedia
