Minggu, 01 Juli 2018

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Visual merchandising is a practice in the retail industry to develop floor plans and three-dimensional views to maximize sales.

Goods and services can be displayed to highlight its features and benefits. The purpose of visual merchandising is to attract, engage, and motivate customers to make purchases.

Visual merchandising generally takes place in retail spaces such as stores.

Video Visual merchandising


When the giant nineteenth century goods company such as Marshall Field & amp; Co transfers their business from wholesalers to retail, visual display of goods becomes necessary to attract general consumers. Store windows are often used to display store merchandise with interest. Over time, the design aesthetics used in window displays were moved into the room and became part of the overall interior design of the store, ultimately reducing the use of window displays in many suburban malls.

In the 20th century, renowned artists such as Salvador DalÃÆ' and Andy Warhol created a window display.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, visual merchandising was formed as a science. Today, visual merchandising is becoming one of the main tools of business promotion that is widely used to attract customers and increase sales.

WindowsWear is a community and database of visual merchandising from around the world.

Maps Visual merchandising

Contribution to retail brand strategy

Visual merchandising contributes to the brand personality and brand-related characteristics. Store design should reflect this as part of their retail brand strategy. This includes in-store environment and brand communications used such as signs and images displayed inside the store. These visual elements play a role in building retail brands and therefore they help brands differentiate themselves from their competitors, create brand loyalty, and enable brands to place a premium price on their products. Part of the brand strategy used in visual merchandising is research on target market brands to find out what their customers value and self-image. This information may allow retailers to provide their store design and advertising to match their consumers.

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Visual merchandising supports retail sales by creating an environment to further maximize growth, opportunity, educate customers, and easily stretch the brand image.

In order for retailers to gain an important competitive edge in the marketplace, visual merchandising is an important factor and an effective way to add value to their brand. Visual merchandising communicates with customers through elements that stimulate their senses such as lighting, music, scents, and television screens. The environment in which consumers are located can influence the purchasing decisions they make. Research shows that stores that do not communicate well with their customers, such as retail stores that have poor layouts can cause customers to bear psychic costs, and can cause customers to be blocked from shopping again because the overall spending fun has been reduced. The physical environment is the primary goal of communicating with customers in retail. Research from Thaler shows that consumers are more willing to pay higher prices for a product if the product is purchased in a better environment. This makes customers more receptive to higher prices, than if they want to be sold in an old rundown store. Customers can form an important bias of the quality of goods based on retail store design environments, and even factors such as employee interpersonal skills and how they are treated.

Visual merchandising is built on or adds to the retail design of a store. This is one of the last stages in setting up a store in a way that customers find attractive and interesting.

Many elements can be used by visual merchandisers in creating displays including color, lighting, space, product information, sensory inputs (like smells, touches and sounds), as well as technologies such as digital display and interactive installations.

Visual merchandising consists of two techniques; interior and exterior look, also known as in-store design and window display. The purpose of these two techniques is to attract consumers' attention, pull them into stores, store them in stores for as long as possible, and influence purchasing decisions. A recent study found that both of these techniques had the greatest effect on impulse purchases; therefore, they are an important aspect for retailers. In-store design and window display techniques can be used to improve store environments, affect consumer behavior and purchase decisions. In-store design is a technique, which can be used to improve the overall store atmosphere and store environment. Having an attractive store design can visually simulate brand representation and attract customers. Efficient, customer-friendly environments make shopping easier for consumers, driving purchases and, most importantly, convincing repeat purchases. Window design techniques are a way of communicating with customers, using a combination of lighting, color, props, text, and graphic design to showcase goods, attract customers, and maintain a brand image. The overall goal of the window view for retailers is to persuade customers to store and motivate purchases.

Interior view

In-store visual merchandising can be used to capture consumers' attention while they are in the store, an important component of the buying decision process. To attract the attention of customers, retailers should consider customer needs during this process. Factors contributing to the overall in-store design include store layout, store design, point of purchase displayed, display of goods, various displays, and nameplate. When successfully applied to the store, these factors can meet consumer needs and provide a positive in-store purchasing environment.

Shop layout

The store layout is a significant factor for the maintenance of growing businesses, which can help advance sales and profitability. Effective store layouts encourage consumers to shop across stores and view a wide range of merchandise. The most common forms of store layouts include grid layout, racetrack layout, and free-form layout. Choosing a store layout depends on the type of store and the nature of the product being sold. The grid layout is generally arranged in rectangular shapes, allowing customers to shop quickly and maximize store floor space, ideal for supermarkets or hardware stores. The racetrack layout ensures that consumers follow only one path while browsing the store. This is useful in the sense that consumers will come into contact with every product on the shelf. However, this can disrupt the customer. Customers may feel that they are being forced to follow a certain path, and can be frustrated when trying to make a quick purchase. The free form layout is a suitable layout for stores that encourage browsing. This type of layout is more relaxed in its structure, which makes the customer feel less hasty. The store entrance, otherwise known as the transition zone, is an important area of ​​the store. The term "transition zone" was first created by retail anthropologist Paco Underhill. This is an area where all buyers pass into the store, and significant because this zone is where consumers can observe stimuli and feel the general vibrations of the store. Therefore, consumers' thoughts and representations of stores and brands depend on these areas. When customers enter the transition zone, they need time to adjust to the new environment including lighting, temperature and scenery and other sounds. Items with higher profit margins are not recommended to be placed in the area because customers are not paying attention when they are busy by adjusting to new environmental stimuli. The design space from a retail store is a key aspect when it comes to creating a fun experience, and is also an effective way to communicate with customers. Color can be regarded as one of the most important variables when it comes to retailing. (Van Rom pay, Tania-Dijkstra, Verhoeven, & van Es, 2011). Certain colors that can be considered very tempting can encourage customers to make purchases because of impulse. Warm colors like that and orange, red, and yellow provide a sense of joy to the consumer, but also provide anxiety and create distractions. A recreational buyer who enjoys a sense of excitement may prefer these passionate colors. (Van Rompay et al.,. 2011). In general, people prefer cool colors like green and blue and associate these colors with a sense of calm and security. More task-oriented buyers are more likely to choose these cool colors because they carry a calming effect and also tend not to distract them from existing tasks. The way furniture like shelves and shelves and seating is arranged is the real element is the design of the store. Store layouts with higher space considerations can increase customer satisfaction, and a store full of clutter can have the opposite effect. (Van Rompay et al.,. 2011). When it comes to simple layouts well in a store, task-oriented customers find this kind of layout to be most effective, because they can easily find the stuff they want without the unnecessary clutter and obstacles in their path. These simple factors can encourage customers to stay in store longer and in turn spend more. (Van Rompay et al.,. 2011).


Mannequins are used by clothing retailers to showcase their products in store and in window view. They are a tool used to show consumers how their products look to someone. Mannequins will usually be styled to match the trends as well as showcase the latest products available. A study found that retailers projected an ideal image to consumers by the size and proportion of mannequins. This is used to further strengthen the characteristics of their target market. However, consumers find the size of mannequins unrealistic but will provide a favorable response to the mannequins when they are headless. This is because the participants in the study found the faces of the mannequins unrealistic and could not relate to them. Therefore, it is important for retailers to understand the thoughts and opinions of consumers about visual stimuli such as mannequins so they can create a more desirable shopping environment for consumers.

Purchase display point

Merchandise must be visible, accessible, and there must be a variety of merchandise to choose from. Having a merchandise that looks very important to retailers because consumers not only "buy what they see" but also can be significantly involved with physical products. This creates an emotional connection, which can encourage customers to buy products. The physical position of the product also increases visibility. Products at the eye level also receive more attention. "The eye level is the buying rate". Consider these elements when merchandising gives customers a sense of freedom of choice. "Less is more" is the main principle in visual merchandising. Despite having a wide selection of stocks and products important to consumers, it is also important not to overwhelm consumers. Having too many choices can confuse consumers and the phenomenon is referred to as "tyranny of choice". Arranging stocks so as not to be overcrowded, and limiting the amount of merchandise on the shop floor, is an important aspect of trading. Overly crowded stores can create a sense of stress and anxiety, which does not encourage consumers to shop across stores.

Limited product choices can make purchasing decisions easier. In a study conducted at upscale supermarkets in California by psychologists Shenne Iyengar and Mark Lepper, there were two tables of jam samples, one with 24 flavors and the other with 6 flavors. More buyers are attracted to booths with a larger selection, 60%, compared to 40% interested in smaller options, but the sales they generate are staggering. Only 3% is purchased from a larger selection and 30% of the smaller suggestions. a A


Bundling promotes objects that work together as a set. It inspires people how to use the products in their lives and also makes free product suggestions. In fashion retail stores, clothing complete with mannequin or placement tops beside jackets and bags with other accessories like scarves and jewelry are examples of bundling. The store has done a job in imagining the look of things that can be used to achieve it. Bundling also draws attention to certain products thus limiting the selection of the products presented.


The atmosphere also has a big influence on the store environment. The atmosphere must coordinate with each other to create a consistent atmosphere and positively influence the consumer's shopping experience and buy the decision-making process. Visuals such as light and display are not always enough to improve the overall mood of the store, and retain the customer's attention; therefore, other elements such as music and scents can be used.


Light can be used in many ways in retail stores, from highlighting an object or storefront to illuminating the entire store. Bright light can create a sense of honesty, positivity, and can encourage impulsive purchases. Lighting can also be used to highlight store layouts and encourage customers to flow through stores, exposing them to more merchandise. The brightness in store is a very important factor in consumer behavior and the retail environment, because rooms that have dim lighting are less exciting than lighter spaces. (Areni, 1994). Lighting can influence customer decision making, behavior, and also the overall spatial environment when lighting and atmosphere are connected. Customers become more compelling when the lighting in the room is considered very bright and speeds up the pace at which customers buy the product. Markin recommends that to slow down the pace of shoppers, traders should adopt softer lighting techniques that will increase the amount of time customers spend in the store. (Areni, 1994). The result of this is the possibility of an increase in the amount of merchandise purchased by store customers. This shows us that different store lighting levels can directly affect the amount of time consumers spend in the store. (Areni, 1994).

Lighting inside a retail store can be strategically used to highlight the products on display or to create a comfortable environment for consumers. This is an important element used (together with music, temperature, fragrance, and layout) in retail to create an atmosphere that suits the brand personality. The atmosphere of a retail store is very important because it is found that the customer's mood will affect their buying behavior. Retailers can use gentle lighting to create a calm and peaceful atmosphere for customers or bright lighting to represent the excitement and excitement associated with the brand. The strategic use of light can change the mood of consumers and influence their subconscious minds during their shopping experience within the retail store. Retail stores with gentle ambience and bright lights that highlight certain products will drive customers towards these products and motivate them to make purchases.


Music played in a store can promote the brand image, and can also help consumers make purchasing decisions. Music that fits the store style and target audience is an important factor to consider. Music with a slow tempo can cause consumers to relax; therefore, they spend more time in the store. This leads to more contact with merchandise and increased purchases. Having music, popular in the target market, can also encourage consumers to stay longer in the store. For example, a store with a teenage target market should consider playing pop music, as this is a genre that young audiences favor. Playing this genre will make their shopping experience more fun, which can cause them to stay longer in the store, expose them to more merchandise, and influence possible purchasing decisions.


Having a unique aroma in the store can differentiate the brand from the others. When customers smell outside the store, this will trigger their feelings and remind them of the brand and its products. Aromas can also trigger an emotional response for example,

  • Lavender, basil, orange cinnamon-casual, soothes, soothes, and reduces anxiety
  • Peppermint, thyme, rosemary, grapefruit, eucalyptus - energizing, stimulating, enhancing passion and productivity
  • Ginger, chocolate, cardamom, sweet root - romance
  • Vanilla - entertaining and soothing
  • Black pepper - sexually stimulating

Distributing scents throughout stores such as vanilla, lavender, thyme, rosemary, grapefruit, and eucalyptus can be beneficial for retailers. This aroma is soothing, soothing, and entertaining, therefore, stimulating consumers to roam the store, leading to increased awareness of merchandise and increased impulse purchases.

Exterior view

The exterior window display can be used to sell products and attract customers into the store. Innovative eye-catching display can promote the brand image. This can be used to advertise. Windows can provide insight to consumers and passers-by about what items are sold in stores. They are also an effective way to promote fashion trends and provide useful information to the target audience.

View window

Visual merchandising is a multi-sensory tool used by retailers to attract the attention of customers and draw them to the store to make purchases. The first part of a visual merchandising customer who meets with a brand is a window display. Displaying a window is used as an initial attraction to bring customers to the store and is also used as a marketing tool to communicate brand image to consumers and to differentiate themselves from competitors.

The importance of window display is that this is the touch point that consumers have with the brand. By arousing interest or curiosity with the look of the window, the brand can leave an impression on the consumer and furthermore the consumer can find out the quality and character of the product the brand offers. An attractive window display can create the product's desire for the brand and therefore help generate sales.

A study in Nottingham, UK from pharmaceutical retailers and beauty craftsmen, has found that products introduced in storefronts increase the sales of these products and even help increase sales of low-selling products. Overall, stores that have storefronts have a positive sales increase compared to those who do not.


Color is a powerful tool in exterior displays. This can help the creativity to display the exterior window and can have a unique effect on the consumer. The use of colors can create an atmosphere, attract the attention of passers-by, and draw them to the store. Different colors can trigger different emotional responses. For example, blue can trigger a calm, green and brown response to enhance calmness, warm colors like red, orange and yellow can start an exciting, cheerful, amiable, vibrant simulation reaction can give the impression of elegance and sophistication, while the color of ash -abu can release a bleak and boring feeling. Using product-related or brand-specific colors is also a useful technique when planning a window view. For example, using neutral colors such as green and brown when promoting environmentally friendly products is beneficial, because they provide a relaxed and casual effect; therefore, consumers feel the product as environmentally friendly.

Color is an important tool used in visual merchandising. This can be used to influence consumer behavior and generate different reactions. Each color can make consumers feel different emotions, and therefore, retailers will use color selectively to help consumers make associations about their products on the screen. Bright and warm colors such as red and yellow can be used to attract attention and stimulate the audience. Cold colors like blue and green give calm and quiet responses to the audience while purple gives the impression of sophistication and elegance. The blend of colors to create contrasting backgrounds on display products can have a high level of recall by consumers. International retailers should be wise in choosing colors used in visual merchandising because colors have different meanings in different countries. For example, red is seen as the color of luck and good fortune in many Asian countries while it represents danger and happiness in Western countries. Therefore, global retailers can not use a set of colors for their visual merchandising across their stores worldwide.

Graphics, photography and signs

The use of graphics and photography in a window view is an effective way of communicating information to consumers. The most common form of communication in displaying windows is through text and alerts, especially when advertising sales or specials. This technique is generally aimed at price driven customers who are always looking for offers. Colors, bold text and graphics are used to attract the attention of these consumers. The signage should convey a clear, concise message consistent with the brand's marketing communications model. Visually, the billboard must be eye-catching and easy to read. One effective way of using signage in windows is to use self-adhesive vinyl pieces to the window; Small signs in windows can also be used to communicate the price of the goods or discounts. Photography can be used in a window view to enhance window themes or reinforce brand advertising campaigns.


Lighting is another technique, which can be used to improve the look of the window. Lighting can be used to highlight a particular product, and create dimensions and set the mood for a window view. This is a successful tool because it can not only be used to highlight products during the day, but also at night. The brightness and color of the lighting can be adjusted to fit the screen atmosphere. Again, different colors trigger different emotions and therefore create a different atmosphere.

Seasonal view

Customizing the look of windows based on seasonal events, calendar dates, and consumerism-based holidays such as Christmas, Valentine's Day and Father's Day can be a useful approach to encourage consumer purchases. Selecting a season-matching product to show up in a window can remind consumers to buy gifts and give gift ideas for specific holidays.

Fashion trends

Displays windows can be used to set trends; therefore, window display designers should always be one step ahead of the trend and predict future fashion moves. Merchandise must be able to direct this trend to the target audience, and can communicate it in a way that the audience can understand. Clothing should be laid out on a mannequin with popular clothes to entice consumers to the store.


The floor map helps visual artisans find the best place for clothing, according to the color story of clothing and shoes in the store. This is a kind of floor plan with marked merchandise. Another valuable tool is the planogram, to determine the visual appearance of your store flow.

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POS screen


View window

A window view can communicate style, content, and price.

Displays windows often used by stores to attract customers into the store. Visual merchandiser stores will dress up windows in current season trends - often including fully clothed mannequins and accessories on a pedestal or hanging from special display equipment.

A study in 2002 (Sen et al., 2002) found that clothing retailers will have the most success of attracting their customers to their stores by focusing on communicating the current fashion trends and styling suggest and ensuring that they have a robust picture image of the illustrated in the viewing window. Research Sen et al. Is an in-depth analysis of the various factors of window display, and its findings argue that the styling and appearance of clothing, not the atmosphere, play a big role in consumer behavior and purchases.

The display window can also be used to advertise seasonal sales or inform passers-by about other current promotions.

Food merchandising

Restaurants, grocery stores, department stores, etc. Use visual merchandising as a tool to differentiate themselves in saturated markets.

Visual Merchandising - That F Word: EP12 - YouTube
src: i.ytimg.com


Jodie Hilton Visual merchandising, | Jodie Hilton
src: jodiehilton.com

Further reading

  • Michael; Weitz, Barton A. (1995). Retail Management (3rd ed.). Richard D. Irwin, Inc. ISBNÃ, 0-256-13661-0. Ã,
  • Gianfranco Giacoma-Caire (2011) Visual Merchandising: The mirror and soul of the selling point (1st ed.) Creative Group. ISBN: 9788890475719
  • Galun, Dmitry (2012) Merchandising Visual for Piter one-two-three-three-five (issue 1). ISBN: 978-5-4461-0007-1

Source of the article : Wikipedia
