The New York Times (sometimes abbreviated as The NYT or < b> The Times ) is an American newspaper based in New York City with influences and readers around the world. Founded in 1851, this paper has won 125 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other newspaper. The New York Times is ranked 17th in the world by circulation.
The paper is owned by The New York Times Company, which is traded in general but is mainly controlled by the Ochs-Sulzberger family through a dual class division structure. It's been owned by the family since 1896; A.G. Sulzberger, the newspaper publisher, and his father, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., chairman of the company, are the fourth and fifth generations of the family who headed the paper.
Nicknamed "The Lady of the Lady ", The New York Times has long been considered in the industry as a national "newspaper note". The newspaper motto, "All News Suitable for Print," appears in the top left corner of the front page.
Since the mid-1970s, The New York Times has expanded its layout and organization, adding special weekly sections on topics that complement regular news, editorials, sports, and features. Since 2008, The New York Times has been organized into the following sections: News, Editorial/Opinion-Column/Op-Ed, New York (metropolitan), Business, Sports Times, Art, Science, Styles, Home, Travel, and other features. On Sunday, The New York Times is equipped by Sunday Review (previous Week in Review ), The New York Times Book Review , New York Times Magazine and Q: The New York Times Style Magazine . The New York Times lives with the set-up of a full page of spreadsheets and an eight-column format for several years after most of the papers move to six, and is one of the last newspapers to adopt color photography, especially on pages front.
Video The New York Times
The New York Times was founded as a New York Times on September 18, 1851. Founded by journalist and politician Henry Jarvis Raymond and former banker George Jones , The Times was originally published by Raymond, Jones & amp; Company. Initial investors in the company include Edwin B. Morgan, Christopher Morgan, and Edward B. Wesley. Sold for a penny (equivalent to 29 cents today), the inaugural edition seeks to overcome speculation about its goals and positions that precede its release:
We will be Conservative , in all cases where we think Conservatism is important for the public good; - and we will be radical in everything that seems to require radical treatment and radical reform. We do not believe that everything in the Society is completely wrong or true; - what good we want to defend and improve; - what is evil, to be destroyed, or reformed.
In 1852, the newspaper started the western division, The Times of California, which arrived every time a postal ship from New York docked in California. However, the attempt failed as soon as the local California newspaper became famous.
On September 14, 1857, the newspaper officially shortened its name to The New-York Times . (The dashboard in the city name was dropped on December 1, 1896.) On April 21, 1861, The New York Times began publishing the Sunday edition to offer the daily coverage of the Civil War. One of the earliest public controversies involved is Mortara Affair, the subject of twenty editorials in the Times alone.
The main office of The New York Times was attacked during the New York City Draft Riot. The riots, triggered by the start of design for the Union Army, began on July 13, 1863. On "Newspapers", opposite Town Hall, Henry Raymond stopped the rioters with Gatling guns, early machine guns, one of which he manned himself. The mob was diverted instead of attacking the headquarters of Horace Greeley's abolitionist New York Tribune until it was forced to flee by the Brooklyn Town Police, who had crossed the East River to assist the Manhattan authorities.
In 1869, Henry Raymond died, and George Jones took over as a publisher.
The influence of the newspaper grew in 1870 and 1871, when it published a series of exposures to William Tweed, the leader of the Democratic Party of the city - known as the "Tammany Hall" (from the early 19th century meeting headquarters) - which led to the end of the Tweed Ring dominance in the Hall New York City. Tweed has offered The New York Times five million dollars (equivalent to over 100 million dollars today) for not publishing stories.
In the 1880s, The New York Times gradually shifted from supporting Republican candidates in its editorial to become more politically and analytically independent. In 1884, the paper supported Democrat Grover Cleveland (former Mayor of Buffalo and New York State Governor) in his first presidential campaign. While this measure costs The New York Times some of its readership among more progressive readers and Republicans (revenues decreased from $ 188,000 to $ 56,000 from 1883-1884), the paper finally regained most of the land lost in Several years.
Era Ochs
After George Jones died in 1891, Charles Ransom Miller and other editors of the New York Times collected $ 1 Ã, million dollars to buy The Times , printing it under the New York Times Publishing Company . However, the newspaper was financially paralyzed by Panic of 1893, and in 1896, the newspaper had a circulation of less than 9,000, and lost $ 1,000 a day. That year, Adolph Ochs, publisher of the Chattanooga Times , acquired a controlling stake in the company for $ 75,000.
Shortly after taking control of the paper, Ochs created a newspaper slogan, "All News Is Suitable For Printing". The slogan has appeared in the paper since September 1896, and has been printed in a box in the upper left corner of the front page since early 1897. The slogan is jab in competing papers, such as Joseph Pulitzer of New York World and William Randolph Hearst's < i> New York Journal , known for the horrifying, sensational and often inaccurate reports of facts and opinions, described at the end of this century as "yellow journalism." Under the guidance of Ochs, assisted by your Carr Van, The New York Times reaches the scope, circulation, and international reputation; Sunday's circulation rose from below 9,000 in 1896 to 780,000 in 1934. In 1904, during the Russian-Japanese War, The New York Times , along with The Times , received the first on-the-spot wireless telegraphic transmission from the sea battle: reports of the destruction of the Russian Navy's Baltic Fleet, at the Battle of Port Arthur, from the Haimun press vessel. In 1910, the first air delivery of The New York Times to Philadelphia began. In 1919, the first trans-Atlantic shipping to London took place with a balloon balloon. The New York Times ' In 1920, during the 1920 Republican National Convention, a "4 A.M. Aeroplane Edition" was sent to Chicago by plane, so it could be in the hands of the convention delegates at night.
Post-war expansion
Ochs died in 1935, and succeeded as a publisher by his son-in-law, Arthur Hays Sulzberger. Under his leadership, and from his son-in-law (and his successor), Orvil Dryfoos, this paper extended its reach and reach, beginning in the 1940s. Crossword puzzles began appearing regularly in 1942, and the fashion section first appeared in 1946. The New York Times began an international edition in 1946. (The international edition ceased publication in 1967, when The New York Times joins the owner of the New York Herald Tribune and The Washington Post to publish International Herald Tribune in Paris.)
Dryfoos died in 1963, and succeeded as a publisher by his brother-in-law, Arthur Ochs "Punch" Sulzberger, who led the Times until 1992, and continued the expansion of the paper.
New York Times v. Sullivan
The involvement of newspapers in the 1964 defamation case helped bring one of the major decisions of the United States Supreme Court to support press freedom, the New York Times Co. v. Sullivan . In it, the United States Supreme Court sets the standard "actual crime" for press reports of public officials or public figures to be deemed defamatory or libelous. Standard crimes require plaintiffs in cases of defamation or defamation to prove that the publisher of the statement knows the statement is false or acts recklessly ignoring the truth or error. Due to the high burden of evidence on the plaintiff, and the difficulty in proving malicious intent, such cases by public figures rarely succeed.
The Pentagon Papers
In 1971, the Pentagon Papers, a secret history of the US Department of Defense concerning United States military and political involvement in the Vietnam War from 1945 to 1967, was awarded ("leaked") to Neil Sheehan of The New York Times by former State Department official Daniel Ellsberg, with his friend Anthony Russo helping to copy it. The New York Times began publishing citations as a series of articles on June 13th. Controversies and lawsuits follow. The letters revealed, among other things, that the government had deliberately expanded its role in the war by conducting air strikes on Laos, attacks along the North Vietnamese coast, and offensive actions by US Marines long before the public was informed of the action, while President Lyndon B Johnson has promised not to widen the war. The document increased the credibility gap for the US government, and injured the Nixon government's efforts to fight the ongoing war.
When The New York Times began publishing the series, President Richard Nixon became angry. His words to National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger include "People should be torched for such things..." and "Let's get the boy in jail." After failing to get The New York Times to stop publishing, Attorney General John Mitchell and President Nixon obtained federal court orders that The New York Times halted the publication of the quote. The newspaper filed an appeal and the case began working through the court system. On June 18, 1971, The Washington Post began publishing its own series. Ben Bagdikian, editor of Posting , has obtained part of a paper from Ellsberg. The day Post received a call from the Assistant Attorney General, William Rehnquist, asking them to stop publishing. When Post was rejected, the US Justice Department sought another order. US District Court judges refused, and the government appealed. On June 26, 1971, the US Supreme Court agreed to take both cases, merge them into the New York Times Co.. v. United States , 403 U.S. 713 (1971). On 30 June 1971, the Supreme Court held off in a 6-3 decision that these orders were unconstitutional and that the government had not fulfilled the required burden of proof. Judges write nine separate opinions, disagreeing on significant substantive issues. Though generally seen as a victory for those who claim the First Amendment perpetuate the absolute right to freedom of speech, many feel their victory is lukewarm, offering little protection to future publishers when national security claims are at stake.
1970s and 1980s
In the 1970s, this paper introduced a number of new lifestyle sections including Weekend and Home, with the aim of attracting more advertisers and readers. Many criticized the move for betraying the newspaper's mission.
On September 7, 1976, the paper switched from an eight-column format to a six-column format. The width of the whole page remains the same, with each column becoming wider.
On September 14, 1987, The Times printed the heaviest newspaper ever, more than 12 pounds (5.4 kg) and 1,612 pages.
1990s and 2000s
In 1992, Sulzberger's "Stroke" resigned as a publisher; His son, Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., succeeded him, first as a publisher, and later as Chairman of the Board in 1997.
The Times is one of the last newspapers to adopt color photography, with the first color photo on the front page appearing on October 16, 1997.
Digital Age
The New York Times turned to the digital production process around the 1980s, but only began preserving the digital texts generated that year.
In September 2008, The New York Times announced that it will combine certain parts effectively October 6, 2008, in editions printed in the New York metropolitan area. The change folds the Metro section into the main/International news section and a combination of Sports and Business (except Saturday to Monday, when Sports is still being printed as a stand-alone section). This change also includes having the name of the Metro section called New York outside the Tri-State Region. The pressure used by The New York Times allows four sections to be printed simultaneously; because the paper has more than four parts every day except Saturdays, the parts must be printed separately in an initial press process and arranged together. This change will allow The New York Times to print in four parts Monday through Wednesday, in addition to Saturday. The New York Times announcement states that the number of news pages and employee positions will remain unchanged, with paper realizing cost savings by cutting overtime costs.
In 2009, newspapers started production of local inserts in areas outside of New York. Beginning October 16, 2009, a two-page "Bay Area" insert was added to a copy of the Northern California edition on Friday and Sunday. This newspaper commenced production from the same Friday and Sunday inserts to the Chicago edition on November 20, 2009. The inserts consisted of local news, policy, sports, and cultural pieces, usually supported by local advertising.
Following the industry trend, the weekday circulation has fallen in 2009 to less than a million.
In August 2007, the paper reduced the physical size of its print edition, cutting the page width from 13.5 inches (0.34 m) to 12 inches (0.30 m). It followed similar steps by other newspaper lists in the previous ten years, including USA Today , The Wall Street Journal , and The Washington Post . This step resulted in a 5% reduction in the newsroom, but (in the era of reduced circulation and significant advertising revenue losses) also saves about $ 12 Ã, million a year.
As its declining sales are attributed to the emergence of alternative online media and social media, newspapers have been downsizing for several years, offering purchases to workers and cutting costs, similar to general trends among print media.
In December 2012, The Times published "Snow Fall", a six-part article on the 2012 River Tunnel landscape that integrates interactive video, photos and graphics and is considered a decisive moment for online journalism.
By 2016, journalists for newspapers reported targets of cyber security breaches. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is reportedly investigating the attack. Cyber ​​security breaches have been described as possibly linked to cyber attacks targeting other institutions, such as the Democratic National Committee.
Headquarters building
The first building of the newspaper is located at 113 Nassau Street in New York City. In 1854 he moved to 138 Nassau Street, and in 1858 became 41 Park Row, making it the first newspaper in New York City to be housed in a building built exclusively for its use.
The newspaper moved its headquarters to the Times Tower, located on 1475 Broadway in 1904, in an area called Longacre Square, later renamed to Times Square in honor of the paper. The top of the building - now known as One Times Square - is the venue of New Year's Eve tradition to lower the illuminated ball, which was started by the newspaper. The building is also famous for its electronic news ticker - known as "zipper" - where headlines crawl around the outside of the building. It's still in use, but has been operated by Dow Jones & amp; Company since 1995. After nine years in the Times Square tower, the newspaper has a pavilion built on 229 West 43rd Street. After several expansions, the 43rd Street building became the headquarters of the newspaper in 1960 and the Times Tower on Broadway was sold the following year. It served as the newspaper's main printing press until 1997, when it opened a state-of-the-art printing plant in the College Point section of the Queens region.
A decade later, The New York Times moved its newsroom and headquarters from West 43rd Street to a new tower at 620 Eighth Avenue between West 40th and 41st Streets, in Manhattan - directly opposite Eighth Avenue from Port Terminal Authority Bus. The new headquarters for newspapers, known officially as The New York Times Building, but unofficially called the New Times "Tower" by many New Yorkers, is a skyscraper designed by Renzo Piano.
Discrimination in work
Discriminatory practices that restrict women in earlier editorial positions are employed by newspapers. The lady's first reporter for the newspaper was Jane Grant, who described her experience afterwards. He wrote, "At first I was accused of not disclosing the fact that a woman has been employed". Another journalist dubbed the Fluff and he was the target of a considerable haze. Because of their gender, promotion does not make sense, according to the managing editor. He was there for fifteen years, troubled by World War I.
In 1935, Anne McCormick wrote to Arthur Hays Sulzberger, "I hope you would not expect me to go back to 'women-view' things." Later, he interviewed the main political leaders and seemed to have easier access than his peers. Even those who watched it in action could not explain how he got the interview he was doing. Clifton Daniel said, "[After World War II,] I'm sure Adenauer called him and invited him to lunch, he never had to find an appointment." Covering the speech of world leaders after World War II at the National Press Club is limited to men by Club rules. When women were finally allowed to listen to speeches, they were still not allowed to ask speakers, even though men were allowed and asked, although some women had won the Pulitzer Prize for previous work. Times reporter Maggie Hunter refused to return to the Club after covering a speech about the assignment. The Nan Robertson article at Union Stock Yards, Chicago, was read aloud as anonymous by a professor, who then said, "'It will surprise you, perhaps, that the reporter is a girl, ' he started... [G] asps, admiration in the ranks. ' He has used all his senses, not just his eyes, to convey the smell and taste of the storage.He chooses a difficult subject, an offensive subject.His image is strong enough to rebel you. "" The New York Times hired Kathleen McLaughlin after ten years at the Chicago Tribune, where "[s] she made a serial about the waiter, went out to apply for housework. "
The New York Times has one slogan. Since 1896, the newspaper slogan has been "All the News That's Suitable for Printing." In 1896, Adolph Ochs held a competition to find a replacement slogan, offering a $ 100 prize for the best. Entries include "News, Not Nausea"; "In One Word: Adequate"; "No-Noise News"; "Out Heralds The Herald, Inform the World, and Extinguish the Sun"; "Public Press is Public Trust"; and the winner of the competition, "All world news, but not school for scandal." On May 10, 1960, Wright Patman asked the FTC to investigate whether the New York Times's slogan was misleading or false advertising. In 10 days, the FTC replied that it was not.
Once again in 1996, a competition was held to find a new slogan, this time for More than 8,000 entries are submitted. However, once again, "All News Is Suitable for Print," was found to be the best.
Maps The New York Times
News staff
In addition to its headquarters in New York City, the newspaper has editorial rooms in London and Hong Kong. Her Paris newsroom, which became the headquarters of the newspaper's international edition, closed in 2016, though the city remains home to news agencies and advertising offices. The paper also has an editing and wire service center in Gainesville, Florida.
In 2013, the newspaper has 6 news agencies in the New York area, 14 other places in the United States, and 24 in other countries.
In 2009, Russ Stanton, the editor of the Los Angeles Times , a competitor, stated that the newsroom of The New York Times is twice the size of the Los Angeles Times i>, which has news space of 600 at the time.
Family Ochs-Sulzberger
In 1896, Adolph Ochs bought The New York Times, the newspaper lost money, and formed the New York Times Company. The Ochs-Sulzberger family, one of the dynasties of the United States newspaper, has owned The New York Times since then. Publishers went public on January 14, 1969, trading for $ 42 per share on the US Stock Exchange. After this, the family continues to exercise control over its ownership of a majority of Class B's voting shares. Class A shareholders are granted unlimited voting rights while Class B holders are allowed to open voting rights.
The Ochs-Sulzberger family beliefs hold about 88 percent of the company's B-class shares. Any changes to the dual class structure must be ratified by six of the eight directors seated on the Ochs-Sulzberger family trust council. Members of the Trusteeship Council are Daniel H. Cohen, James M. Cohen, Lynn G. Dolnick, Susan W. Dryfoos, Michael Golden, Eric M. Lax, Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr. and Cathy J. Sulzberger.
Turner Catledge, the top editor at The New York Times from 1952 to 1968, wanted to hide the influence of ownership. Arthur Sulzberger regularly writes memos for his editor, each containing suggestions, instructions, complaints, and commands. When Catledge will receive this memo, it will remove the publisher's identity before handing it over to his subordinates. Catledge thinks that if he removes the publisher's name from the memo, it will protect the journalist from being depressed by the owner.
Public editor
The position of a public editor was established in 2003 to "investigate the issue of journalistic integrity"; every public editor has to serve a two-year term. The post "was established to accept readers 'complaints and Times reporters' questions about how they made their decisions." The impetus for the creation of a public editor position is the affair of Jayson Blair. Public editors are: Daniel Okrent (2003-2005), Byron Calame (2005-2007), Clark Hoyt (2007-2010) (served one extra year), Arthur S. Brisbane (2010-2012), Margaret Sullivan (2012-2016 )) (served for four years), and Elizabeth Spayd (2016-2017). In 2017, the Times removed the position of the public editor.
When referring to people, The New York Times generally uses honorific titles instead of unadorned names (except on sports pages, Books and Magazines reviews).
The New York Times printed a display ad on its first page on January 6, 2009, breaking tradition in the newspaper. The ad, for CBS, is colored and runs the entire page width. The newspaper promised to place the first page ad only at the bottom of the page.
In August 2014, The Times decided to use the word "torture" to describe an incident in which the interrogator "inflicted pain on the prisoner in an attempt to obtain information." This is a shift from the previous practice of a paper that describes such practices as "crude" or "brutal" interrogations.
This paper maintains a strict indecent policy. The 2007 concert review by punk band Fucked Up, for example, completely avoids mentioning group names. However, Times has occasionally published unfiltered video content that includes profanity and humiliation in which it has decided that the video has news value. During the 2016 US presidential election campaign, Times has printed the words "fuck" and "pussy", among them, when reporting a vulgar statement made by Donald Trump in a 2005 recording. Times > political editor Carolyn Ryan said: "It is a rare thing for us to use this language in our story, even in quotes, and we discuss it at length," finally decided to publish it because the news was appreciative and because "[t] o leaving it or just describing it seems awkward and less than frank to us, especially given that we will run a video showing our readers exactly what it says. "
Print newspaper
In the absence of the headline, the most important story of the day usually appears in the top right column, on the main page. The typography used for headlines is a special variation of Cheltenham. The running text is set at 8.7 Imperial points.
The newspaper is organized into three sections, including magazines.
- News: Includes International, National, Washington, Business, Technology, Science, Health, Sports, Metro Section, Education, Weather, and Death News. In 2018, the New York Times started an inclusion project to add more 'missed' women to the ongoing Obituary column. Many prominent women are added and there are calls open to the public to suggest further additions. There are also interactive online updates for obituaries as well as some articles explaining the reason and process of this new update.
- Opinions: Include Editorial, Ops ed and Letter to Editor.
- Features: Including Art, Movies, Theater, Travel, NYC Guide, Food, Home & amp; Garden, Fashion & amp; Style, Crossword, The New York Times Book Review , Q: The New York Times Style Magazine , The New York Times Magazine , and Sunday Review.
Some sections, such as Metro, are only found in paper editions distributed in the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut Tri-state region and not in national or Washington editions, D.C. Aside from weekly re-listing of editorial cartoons from other newspapers, The New York Times has no editorial cartoon staff of its own, nor does it display comics or comic pages on Sunday.
From 1851 to 2017, The New York Times published about 60,000 print editions containing about 3.5 million pages and 15 million articles.
Like most other American newspapers, The New York Times has suffered a decrease in circulation. The printed business day circulation fell 50 percent to 540,000 copies from 2005 to 2017.
- Monday to Friday
International print edition
The New York Times International Edition is a printed version of a paper designed for readers outside the United States. Previously the joint venture with The Washington Post was named The International Herald Tribune The New York Times took full ownership of the newspaper in 2002 and gradually integrated it more close to its domestic operations.
The New York Times began publishing daily on the World Wide Web on January 22, 1996, "offering readers worldwide direct access to most daily newspaper contents." This website has 555 Ã, million page views in March 2005. The domains draw at least 146 Ã, million visitors each year on in 2008 according to a Study. In March 2009, The New York Times The Web site ranked 59th on the number of unique visitors, with over 20 million unique visitors, making it a newspaper site that most visited with more than twice the number of unique visitors as the next most popular site. in May 2009, produced 22 of the 50 most popular newspaper blogs. is ranked 118th in the world, and 32 in the US by Alexa on June 4, 2017.
In September 2005, the newspaper decided to start a subscription-based service for daily columns in a program known as TimesSelect , which included many previous free columns. Until it is stopped two years later, TimesSelect costs $ 7.95 per month or $ 49.95 per year, though it is free for print and student customers and faculty. To avoid this cost, bloggers often repost the TimesSelect material, and at least one site after collecting links of reprinted material. On September 17, 2007, The New York Times announced that it will stop charging for access to portions of its Web site, effective at midnight the following day, reflecting a growing view of the industry the cost of a subscription can not be greater than the ad revenue potential of an increase in traffic on a free site. In addition to opening almost the entire site for all readers, The New York Times news archive from 1987 is currently available at no cost, as well as from 1851 to 1922, which are in the public domain. Access to the Crosswords Premium section constantly requires home delivery or a subscription of $ 6.95 per month or $ 39.95 per year. Columns including Nicholas Kristof and Thomas Friedman have criticized TimesSelect , with Friedman going so far as to say, "I hate it.This really hurt me because it cut me off a lot, lots of people, mainly because I have a lot of people who read me abroad, like in India... I feel totally disconnected from my audience. "
The New York Times was available on iPhone and iPod Touch in 2008, and on iPad mobile devices in 2010. This is also the first newspaper to offer video games as part of its editorial content, Food Importing Folly by Persuasive Games. In 2010, The New York Times editor collaborated with students and lecturers from Studio 20 New York University's Postgraduate Journalism program to launch and produce "The Local East Village", a hyperlocal blog designed to offer news " by, for and about the inhabitants of the Eastern Village ". In the same year, reCAPTCHA helped to digitize the old edition of The New York Times .
In 2012, The New York Times introduced the Chinese-language news website,, with content created by staff based in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong, even though the servers are located outside of China. to avoid censorship issues. In March 2013, The New York Times and the National Film Board of Canada announced a partnership titled A Short History of Pride , which will make four short documentary films for the internet about life in buildings stratified as part of the NFB Highrise project, utilizing images from newspaper photo archives for the first three movies, and images sent by users for the last movie. The third project in the series, "A Short History of the Highrise", won the Peabody Award in 2013.
The fall in print advertising revenue and projected sustained decline resulted in a "paid paywall" instituted in 2011, considered a modest success after collecting several hundred thousand subscriptions and about $ 100 million in revenue in March 2012. Like which was announced in March 2011, paywall will prompt readers often to access its online content. Readers will be able to access up to 20 articles each month at no cost. (Although starting April 2012, the number of free-access articles is reduced by half to just ten articles per month.) Any readers who want to access more have to pay for digital subscriptions. This plan will allow free access to the reader occasionally, but generate revenue from "heavy" readers. Digital subscription rates for the four-week range from $ 15 to $ 35 depend on the selected package, with periodic new customer promotions that offer all four-week digital access for as low as 99Ã, Â ¢. Customers to the paper print edition get full access at no additional cost. Some content, such as forecourt and foreground remain free, and Top News page in mobile app. In January 2013, Margaret M. Sullivan announced that for the first time in decades, this paper generated more revenue through subscriptions than through advertising. In December 2017, the number of free articles per month decreased from ten to five, as the first change on paid paywall since 2012. An executive from The New York Times Company stated that the decision was motivated. by "all time high" in demand for journalism.
The newspaper's website was hacked on August 29, 2013, by the Syrian Electronic Army, a hacking group backing the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The SEA broke through the paper domain name registration, Melbourne IT, and changed the DNS records for The New York Times , leaving some of its websites malfunctioning for hours.
The food section is furnished on the web by the property for a home cook and to eat outdoors. is also available through the iOS app) providing access to over 17,000 recipes on file as of November 2016, and the availability of storage recipes from other sites across the web. The newspaper restaurant search ( allows online readers to search for NYC area restaurants based on cuisine, surroundings, prices, and reviewer ratings. The New York Times has also published several cookbooks, including New York Times Cookbook Important: Classical Recipes for the New Century , published in late 2010.
By December 2017, the New York Times had a total of 3.5 million paid subscriptions in both print and digital versions, and over 130 million monthly readers, more than double the listener two years earlier.
In February 2018, the New York Times Company reported an increase in revenue from only digital subscriptions, adding 157,000 new subscribers to a total of just 2.6 million digital subscribers. Digital ads also see growth during this period. At the same time, ads for printed versions of journals are falling.
Mobile presence
The Times Reader is a digital version of The New York Times . It was created through collaboration between newspapers and Microsoft. Times Reader takes the principles of print journalism and applies it to online reporting techniques. Times Reader uses a series of technologies developed by Microsoft and their Windows Presentation Foundation team. It was announced in Seattle in April 2006, by Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr., Bill Gates, and Tom Bodkin. In 2009, Time Reader 2.0 was rewritten in Adobe AIR. In December 2013, the newspaper announced that the Times Reader app would be discontinued on January 6, 2014, which urged app readers to start using the "Today's Paper" app only.
In 2008, The New York Times created apps for iPhone and iPod Touch that allow users to download articles to their mobile devices enabling them to read newspapers even when they can not receive a signal. In April 2010, The New York Times announced it would start publishing daily content via the iPad app. As of October 2010, The New York Times iPad app is supported by ads and is available for free with no paid subscriptions, but translated into subscription-based models in 2011.
In 2010, the newspaper also launched an app for Android smartphones, followed later by an app for Windows Phone.
The New York Times started producing podcasts in 2006. Between the initial podcast was Inside The Times and In The New York Times Book Review . Some of the Times podcasts were canceled in 2012. The Times returned to launch a new podcast in 2016, including Modern Love with WBUR. On January 30, 2017, The New York Times launched a news podcast, The Daily .
Chinese version
In June 2012, The New York Times launched its first official foreign language variant,, in Mandarin, can be viewed in both traditional and simplified Chinese characters. The project is headed by Craig S. Smith on the business side and Philip P. Pan on the editorial side.
The site's initial success was cut off in October of that year after the publication of an investigative article by David Barboza on the family finances of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. In retaliation for the article, the Chinese government blocked access to and inside the People's Republic of China (PRC).
Despite Chinese government interference, however, Chinese language operations continue to grow, adding a second site,, iOS and Android apps and bulletins, all accessible within the PRC. Chinese operations also produced three print publications in Chinese. Traffic to, meanwhile, has increased due to the widespread use of VPN technology in the PRC and to a growing Chinese audience outside of mainland China. New York Times articles are also available for users in China through the use of mirror websites, apps, domestic newspapers, and social media. The Chinese platform now represents one of the top five digital markets in the world. The chief editor of the Chinese platform is Ching-Ching Ni.
The TimesMachine is a web-based archive of the New York Times scanned issue from 1851 to 2002.
Unlike the The New York Times online archive, TimesMachine presents a scanned image of an actual newspaper. All non-advertisement content may be displayed on a per-story basis on a separate PDF view page and saved for future reference. Archives available for New York Times subscribers, home delivery and/or digital.
Due to the holiday, no editions were printed on November 23, 1851; January 2, 1852; July 4, 1852; January 2, 1853; and January 1, 1854.
Because of the strike, the regular edition of The New York Times did not print during the following periods:
- December 9, 1962, until March 31, 1963. Only western editions were printed for the New York City New York City strike 1962-63.
- September 17, 1965, until October 10, 1965. The international edition was printed, and the weekend editions replaced the newspapers Saturday and Sunday.
- August 10, 1978, until November 5, 1978. The multi-union attack stopped three major New York City newspapers. No printed editions of The New York Times . Two months after the strike, a parody of The New York Times called Not The New York Times was distributed in the city, with contributors like Carl Bernstein, Christopher Cerf, Tony Hendra and George Plimpton.
Editorial position
The New York Times editorial page is often considered liberal. In mid-2004, the ombudsperson's public editor Daniel Okrent wrote that "the editor of the Op-Ed page does a representative job of representing different views in the essay of the outsider they publish - but you need a very heavy counterweight to balance a page that also bears the work of seven privileged columns, only two of which can be classified as conservative (and, even then, from conservative subspecies that support the legalization of gay unions and, in the case of William Safire, against some key provisions of the Patriot Act). "
The New York Times has not supported a Republican member for president since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956; since 1960, he has ratified the Democratic candidate in every presidential election (see the support of the president of the New York Times). However, the New York Times supported the moderate Republican Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani in 1997 and Michael Bloomberg in 2005 and 2009. The Times also supported the state of New York from Republican Gov. George Pataki for re-election in 2002.
Criticism and controversy
Failure to report hunger in Ukraine
The New York Times was criticized for the work of reporter Walter Duranty, who served as Moscow bureau chief from 1922 to 1936. Duranty wrote a series of stories in 1931 about the Soviet Union and won the Pulitzer Prize for his work at that time; However, he has been criticized for his refusal of the famine that extends, especially the famine of Ukraine in the 1930s. In 2003, after the Pulitzer Council initiated a new investigation, Times recruited Mark von Hagen, professor of Russian history at Columbia University, to review Duranty's work. Von Hagen found Duranty's report unbalanced and uncritical, and that they too often voiced Stalinist propaganda. In comments to the press he stated, "For the honor of The New York Times, they must take the prize."
World War II
On November 14, 2001, in the 150th anniversary of The New York Times 150th anniversary, former executive editor Max Frankel wrote that before and during World War II, Times have maintained a consistent policy to minimize reports on the Holocaust on their news pages. Laurel Leff, professor of journalism at Northeastern University, concluded that the newspaper had underestimated the Third Reich that targeted the Jews for genocide. Her 2005 book is buried by the Times documenting newspaper trends before, during and after World War II to put deep in its daily editions news of ongoing persecution and Jewish extermination, while obscuring in the stories, the story. the specific impact of Nazi crimes on Jews in particular. Leff attributes this scarcity in part to the complex personal and political views of Jewish newspaper publisher Arthur Hays Sulzberger about Jews, antisemitism, and Zionism.
During the war, The New York Times journalist William L. Laurence was "on the War Department's payroll".
Fashion news articles promote advertisers
In the mid to late 1950s, "fashion writer [s]... was asked to come every month with articles that the column-in-total columns reflect the relative advertising power of each assigned [" department "or" special "] store [" "to a writer]... Monitor of all this is... the advertising director [of the NYT ]..." However, in this requirement, the story idea may be journalists and editors themselves.
Iraq War
The New York Times supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq. On May 26, 2004, a year after the war began, the newspaper insisted that some of its articles were not as restrictive as they should be, and not qualified enough, were often over-reliant on information from Iraqis who alienate regime change. Reporter Judith Miller resigned after criticism that his report on leading the Iraq War was factually inaccurate and overly favorable to the Bush administration's position, in which the New York Times later apologized. One of Miller's main sources is Ahmed Chalabi, an Iraqi expatriate who returned to Iraq after the US invasion and held a number of government positions that culminated in acting oil ministers and deputy prime ministers from May 2005 to May 2006.
Jayson Blair plagiarism
In May 2003, The New York Times reporter Jayson Blair was forced to resign from the newspaper after he was caught tracing and fabricating elements of his story. Some critics have argued that Blair's African-American race was a major factor in his recruitment and in the early aversion to the sacking of the New York Times '.
The case of lacrosse Duke University
The newspaper was criticized for reporting mostly the prosecutorial version in the 2006 Duke lacrosse case. Suzanne Smalley of Newsweek criticized the newspaper for "dodgy" coverage of rape allegations against lacrosse player Duke University. Stuart Taylor, Jr. and KC Johnson, in their book Until Proven Not Guilty: Political Accuracy and Embarrassing Injustice of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Cases , write: "at the head of the guilty package, The New York Times i> compete in a race to journalism with a junk TV talk show. " Israeli-Palestinian_conflict "> Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
A 2003 study at the Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics concluded that reporting The New York Times more beneficial to Israel than Palestinians. A 2002 study published in the Journal of Journalism checks the Middle East coverage of the Second Intifada over a one-month period at the Times Washington Post and Chicago Tribune . Research authors say that Times is "the most inclined in pro-Israeli direction" with bias "reflected... in its use from headlines, photos, charts, source and mainstream practices."
For his coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, some (such as Ed Koch) have claimed that the papers are pro-Palestinian, while others (such as As'ad AbuKhalil) have insisted that it is pro-Israel. The Israeli lobby and the US Foreign Policy, by political science professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, allege that The New York Times sometimes criticizes Israeli policies but is unfair and generally pro-Israel. On the other hand, Simon Wiesenthal Center has criticized The New York Times for printing cartoons about the anti-Semitic Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected a proposal to write an article for the paper on the grounds of a lack of objectivity. The piece in which Thomas Friedman commented that the praise given to Netanyahu during his congressional speech was "paid for by the Israeli lobby" apologizing and clarifying his authors.
Clark Hoyt concluded in the January 10, 2009 column, "Despite Israel's most intense and Palestinian supporters disagreeing, I think the New York Times public editor of New York Times , largely banned from the battlefield and reporting amid the chaos of war, have tried their best to do a fair, balanced and complete work Ã, - and have largely succeeded. "
M.I.A. quoting out of context
In February 2009, a music blogger Village Voice accused the newspaper of using "chintzy, ad-hominem allegations" in an article about the British Tamil music artist, M.I.A. about its activism against the Sinhalese-Tamil conflict in Sri Lanka. M.I.A. criticized the newspaper in January 2010 after a post-conflict Sri Lanka-assessed trip piece "the # 1 spot to go in 2010". In June 2010, The New York Times Magazine published a correction on its cover article from MIA, acknowledging that the interview was done by the current W editor and then- Times Magazine contributor Lynn Hirschberg contains the recontextualization of two quotes. Responding to the section, M.I.A. broadcast Hirschberg's phone number and secret audio recording from interviews via Twitter and his website.
Delayed publication of the NSA 2005 unsecured surveillance story
The New York Times was criticized for a 13-month delay from a December 2005 story revealing an unsecured US National Security surveillance program. Former NSA officials blew the whistle on programs for journalists James Risen and Eric Lichtblau, who presented an investigative article to the paper in November 2004, just weeks before the US presidential election. Contacts with former agency officials began the previous summer.
Former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller decides not to report the news after being pressured by the Bush administration and advised against doing so by the Washington Bureau's New York Times. Philip Taubman. Keller explained the reason for the silence in an interview with the newspaper in 2013, stating "Three years after 9/11, we, as a nation, are still under the influence of the trauma, and we, as newspapers, are not immune".
In 2014, PBS Frontline interviewed Risen and Lichtblau, who said the newspaper's plan was not to publish the story at all. "The editors are very angry with me," Risen told the program. "They think I'm being ungodly." Rise to write a book on mass reconnaissance revelation after The New York Times rejected the publication of a piece, and only released it after Risen told them that he would publish the book. Another reporter told NPR that the newspaper "avoided disaster" by finally publishing the story.
Irish student controversy
On June 16, 2015, The New York Times published an article reporting the deaths of six Irish students living in Berkeley, California when their balcony stood collapsing, the newspaper story insinuated that they were to blame for the collapse. The paper states that the behavior of Irish students coming to the US on J1 visas is "embarrassing for Ireland". The Irish Taoiseach and former President of Ireland criticized the newspaper for being "insensitive and inaccurate" in handling stories.
Nail salon series
In May 2015, Sarah Maslin Nir's New York Times Exhibition of Manicurist's working conditions in New York City and elsewhere and the health hazards they face attracted widespread attention, resulting in emergency workplaces. enforcement action by New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo. In July 2015, claims stories about widespread low wages were illegally challenged by former Richard Bernstein New York Times reporter, in the New York Review of Books . Bernstein, whose wife has two nail salons, insists that such an illegal low wage is inconsistent with his personal experience, and is not proven by advertising in a Chinese paper cited by the story. New York Times editorial staff then responded to Bernstein's criticism with examples of several published advertisements and stated that his response was industrial advocacy. The independent Public Editor NYT also reported that he had previously corresponded with Bernstein and checked his complaints, and expressed his belief that the story report was good.
In September and October 2015, owners of nail salons and workers protested at the New York Times office several times, in response to stories and persecution in New York State. In October 2015, the magazine Reason published three parts of Jim Epstein's re-reporting story, alleging that the series was filled with errors and factual errors that respected low-wage claims and illegal health hazards. Epstein also argues that The New York Times has misinterpreted the ad quoted in the answer to Bernstein, and that the ads actually validate Bernstein's argument. In November 2015, the New York Times public editor ' concluded that the exposÃÆ'Â © discovery, and the language used to express it, should be contacted again - in some cases substantially "and recommends that "The Times write further follow-up stories, including some that re-examine the original findings and who take criticism from salon owners and others - not defensively but with an open mind. "
A study of 2015 found that The New York Times was incorporated into a comprehensive trend toward national bias. During the Iranian nuclear crisis, newspapers minimized the "negative process" of the United States while overemphasizing Iran's similar process. This tendency is shared by other letters such as The Guardian , Tehran Times , and Fars News Agency, while Xinhua News Agency is found to be more neutral while at the same time imitating foreign policy People's Republic of China.
Recruitment practices
In April 2016, two black female employees in their sixties filed a federal class action suit against The New York Times Company CEO Mark Thompson and chief revenue officer Meredith Levien, claiming age, sex, and racial discrimination. The plaintiffs claimed that the advertising department of the Times preferred a younger white employee than the older black employees in making shooting and promotional decisions. The Times said the lawsuit was "wholly unfounded" and was "a series of attacks that are recycled, arrogant and unjustified."
Bias allegation
The public editor Ombudsman Elizabeth Spayd wrote in 2016 that "Conservatives and even moderates see in The Times the blue-world worldview" and accuse her. keep the liberal bias. Spayd does not analyze the substance of the claim, but does hold that the Times is "part of a cracked media environment that reflects a cracked state, which in turn leads the liberals and conservatives to separate news sources." Times executive editor Dean Baquet stated that he does not believe the coverage has a liberal bias, but it is: "We must be really careful that people feel like they can see themselves in The New York Times I want us to be fair and honest to the world, not just that segment.This is a very difficult goal.Whether we do it all the time?
Times public editor Arthur Brisbane writes in 2012: "When The Times covers the national presidential campaign, I've found that editor-in-chief and disciplinary journalists uphold justice and balance, and usually manage to do it. departments, many of whom share a kind of political and cultural progressiveness - for there is no better term - that this worldview really fades through The Times. "
In mid-2004, the newspaper's public editor, Daniel Okrent, wrote an opinion in which he said that The New York Times had a liberal bias in news coverage of certain social issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. He stated that this bias reflects the cosmopolitanism of the newspaper, which appears naturally from its roots as the New York City-born city newspaper. He writes, "if you check newspaper coverage of these subjects from a non-urban perspective or Northeastern or culturally invisible, if you are among the The Times groups treat as strange objects will be examined on the lab slides (devout Catholics, gun owners, Orthodox Jews, Texas); if your value system is not going to be well spent on a joint New York Times journalist, then walk through this paper can make You feel you are traveling in a strange and forbidden world. "Okrent writes that Left ' s Arts & amp; Comfort; Sunday Times Magazine , and Culture coverage trend on the left.
In December 2004, the University of California, Los Angeles study by former colleagues of a conservative think tank gave The New York Times a score of 73.7 on a 100-point scale, with the most conservative 0 and 100 became the most liberal, making it the second most liberal mainstream newspaper in the study after The Wall Street Journal (85.1). But the validity of the research has been questioned. Media Matters for America's liberal watchdog group shows potential conflicts of interest with author's funding, and political scientists, such as Brendan Nyhan, cite lacks in research methodologies.
Donald Trump has often criticized The New York Times on his Twitter account before and during his presidency; since November 2015, Trump called Times as "the failing New York Times " in a series of tweets. Despite Trump's critics, Editor Mark Thompson noted that the newspaper has enjoyed an increasing number of digital readers, with the fourth quarter of 2016 seeing the highest number of new digital subscribers to newspapers since 2011.
Critics of Matt Taibbi accused the New York Times of supporting Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in news coverage of the Democratic presidential primaries in 2016. In response to complaints of many readers, the public editor of Margaret Sullivan writes that "The Times does not neglect Mr. Sanders' campaign, but does not always take it very seriously, the tone of some stories is unfortunate, even mocking at some time, some of which focus on age, appearance and style editorial candidate, rather than what he has to say. " Times senior editor Carolyn Ryan defended both the New York Times coverage volume (notes that Sanders has received about the same number of articles as Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio) and tone.
The Times has developed a "reputation of rigor" nationally and internationally from time to time. Among journalists, this paper is highly respected; a 1999 survey of newspaper editors by the Columbia Journalism Review found that Times was the "best" American newspaper, before The Washington Post > The Wall Street Journal , and Los Angeles Times . The Times also ranked # 1 in the 2011 "quality" ranking of US newspapers by Daniel de Vise of The Washington Post; objective ratings take into account the number of Pulitzer Prizes won, circulation, and quality of perceived Web sites. The 2012 report at WNYC calls Times "the most respected newspaper in the world."
However, like many other US media sources, the Times has degraded the perception of public credibility in the US from 2004 to 2012. The Pew Research Center survey in 2012 asked respondents about their views on credibility. from various news organizations. Among the rating respondents, 49% said they believed "all or most of the time" reporting time, while 50% disagreed. Most (19%) respondents ti
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