Senin, 25 Juni 2018

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Greek Mythology: Tantalus

Tantalus (Ancient Greek: ??????? TÃÆ'¡ntalos ) is a Greek mythological figure, mostly famous for his eternal punishment at Tartarus. He is also called Atys .

He was made to stand in a puddle under fruit trees with low branches, with fruit that once dodged from his grasp, and water always receded before he could drink.

He is the father of Pelops, Niobe and Broteas, and is the son of Zeus and Grandma Plouto. Thus, like other heroes in Greek mythology such as Theseus and Dioskouroi, Tantalus has hidden parents, the divine and the mortal.

According to other sources, his father was Tmolus or Manes, Lydia's first king.

Video Tantalus


Plato in Cratylus (395e) interprets Tantalos as ?????????? talantatos (according to ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? talas "wretched" (now the word talas is held to be inherited of Proto-Indo-Europe.) RSP Beekes rejects the Indo-European interpretation.

Maps Tantalus

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There may be a history of Tantalus - perhaps the ruler of an Anatolian city named "TantalÃÆ's", "Tantalus town", or a town called "Sipylus". Pausanias reported that there was a port under his name and his tomb was not "unclear" , in the same area.

Tantalus is referred to as the "Phrygian", and sometimes even as "King of the Phrygian", although his city is located at the western end of Anatolia, where Lydia emerged as a country before the beginning of the first millennium BC, and not in the traditional heart of Phrygia, located more inland. The reference to his son as "Pelops the Lydian" led some experts to the conclusion that there would be good reasons to believe that he was from Lydia's primordial home.

Another version referred to his father as Tmolus, the name of a Lydian king and, like Sipylus, from another mountain in ancient Lydia. The ancestral location of Tantalus mountains generally places them in Lydia; and less frequently in Phrygian or Paphlagonia, all in Asia Minor.

The identity of his wife was given differently: generally as Dione's daughter Atlas; Pleiad Taygete, daughter of Atlas; Eurythemista, daughter of the river god Xanthus; Euryanassa, daughter of Pactolus, another Anatolian river god, like Xanthus; Clytia, son of Amphidamantes; and Eupryto. Tantalus, through Pelops, is the ancestor of the House of Atreus, who was named for his grandson Atreus. Tantalus was also the great-grandfather of Agamemnon and Menelaus.

Geographer Strabo, who quotes previous sources, states that Tantalus's wealth is derived from the Phrygia mine and Mount Sipylus. Near Mount Sipylus is an archaeological feature that has been associated with Tantalus and his home since antiquity. Near Yamanlar Mountain in? Zmir (ancient Smyrna), where Lake KaragÃÆ'¶l (Lake Tantalus ) linked to the accounts in the vicinity is found, is a monument mentioned by Pausanias: tholos "Tantalus tomb" (later Christianized as "Saint tomb Charalambos ") and another on Mount Sipylus, and where the" Pelops throne ", an altar or bench carved in stone and conjunctively associated with his son was found. A more famous monument, a full-face statue carved in stone, called by Pausanias, is a Cybele statue, which Pausianias says has been carved by Brotea, but the reality is Het.

Furthermore, based on the similarity between the names of Tantalus and Hantili, it has been suggested that the name Tantalus may have originated from the two Hittite kings.

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The Tantalus Story

In mythology, Tantalus became one of the inhabitants of Tartarus, the deepest part of the Underworld, provided for the punishment of criminals; there Odysseus saw it. The Tantalus association with the underworld is underlined by the names of his mother, Plouto ("wealth", as in gold and other mineral riches), and grandmother, Chthonia ("earth").

Tantalus was originally known for being welcomed to the Zeus table on Olympus, like Ixion. There he is said to have done wrong and steal ambrosia and nectar to bring him back to his people, and reveal the secrets of the gods.

Most notably, Tantalus presents his son, Pelops, as a sacrifice. He cut Pelops, boiled him, and served him at a banquet for the gods. The gods became aware of the dire nature of the menu, so they did not touch the offerings; only Demeter, baffled by the loss of his daughter, Persephone, unknowingly ate part of the boy's shoulder.

Clotho, one of the three Fate, was ordered by Zeus to revive the child. He collected parts of the body and boiled it in the sacred pan, rebuilt his shoulders with a single ivory made by Hephaestus and presented by Demeter.

The revived Pelops grew into a wonderfully handsome young man. God Poseidon took him to Mount Olympus to teach him to use chariots. Later, Zeus threw Pelops out of Olympus because of his anger at Tantalus. The Greeks of classical times claimed to be horrified by the deeds of Tantalus; cannibalism and murder are atrocities and taboos.

The punishment of Tantalus for his actions, now the proverbial term for temptation without satisfaction (the source of the English word tantalise), is standing in a puddle under a fruit tree with a low branch. Every time he reaches for his fruit, his branches pick up the food he wants from his grasp. Every time he bends down for a drink, the water recedes before he can get it.

Above the head of a threatening stone tower as Sisyphus was punished to roll the hill. This fate has condemned him with the eternal deprivation of nutrition.

In a different story, Tantalus was blamed for indirectly stealing a dog made of gold made by Hephaestus (the god of metal and smithing) for Rhea to keep an eye on Zeus's baby. Tantalus's friend Pandareus stole the dog and gave it to Tantalus for safekeeping. When asked later by Pandareus to return the dog, Tantalus denies that he has it, saying that he "does not see or hear a golden dog." According to Robert Graves, this incident is why a large rock hung over Tantalus's head. Others claim that Tantalus was the one who stole the dog, and gave it to Pandareus for storage.

Tantalus is also the founder of the cursed House of Atreus where variations on this atrocity continue. Misfortune also occurs as a result of these actions, making the house a subject of many Greek tragedies. Tantalus's hideout stands in Sipylus, but honorariums are paid to him in Argos, where local tradition claims to have his bones. In Lesbos, there are other temples in the small settlement of Polion and a mountain named Tantalos.

Tantalus (Oahu) - Wikipedia

Tantalid family tree

Tantalus, son of Zeus and Plouto nymph, and his wife Dione (Euryanassa or Eurythemista), have children:

  1. Dascylus
  2. Brotea
    1. Tantalus (Broteas son)
  3. Pelops marries Hippodameia and has the following children
    1. Pittheus, Alcathous, Dias, Pleisthenes, Atreus, Thyestes, Copreus, Hippalcimus, Astydameia, Nicippe, and Eurydice.
      1. Atreus has a son named Agamemnon
        1. His son is Orestes who has a son named Tisamenus and Penthilus.
      2. Also he has Menelaus's son and his daughter Astyoche
      3. Thyestes has three sons: Tantalus III, Pleisthenes, and Aegisthus.
        1. Aegisthus had a son named Aletes.
  4. Niobe
    1. He has fourteen Niobids.

Showcase: Dark Eldar Tantalus in a lightbox - Tale of Painters

Other characters with the same name

in Greek mythology, there are two other characters named Tantalus - small figures and descendants of Tantalus above. Broteas is said to have a son named Tantalus, who ruled either in the city of Pisa in Peloponnesus or Lydia in present-day Turkey. This tantalus was Clytemnestra's first husband. He was killed by Agamemnon, King Mycenae, who made Clytemnestra his wife. Third tantalus was the son of Thyestes, who was killed by his uncle Atreus, and fed to his unsuspecting father.

Makiki Tantalus Super Loop Hike / Hiking in Oahu Hawaii - YouTube

Influences and references in popular culture

  • For tantalise comes from the tale of Tantalus. When something is tantalizing, it is desirable and always out of reach.
  • The tantalum chemical element (Ta symbol, atomic number 73) is named for the mythology of Tantalus. Its inventor, Anders Ekeberg, wrote, "This metal I call tantalum... partly because of its inability, when immersed in acid, to absorb and become saturated."
  • A Tantalus is a type of decanter stand where the bottle plug is clamped by a locked bar, as a means of preventing employees from stealing your host liquor. Decanters are visible but liquor is unreachable.
  • In the history of the navy, the British naval early 20th century cargo ship (SS Tantalus ) and the United States Navy's landing craft repaired the World War II (USS Tantalus ) is named for Tantalus.
  • satire Lucian Dialog of the Dead , in which Menippus went into the underworld speaking with various shadows, including a brief conversation between Menippus and Tantalus, regarding the final punishment.
  • Emily Dickinson's poem "'Heaven' - is what I can not accomplish!" making allusions to Tantalus in the first line of stanzas, especially lines two to four: "'Paradise' - is what I can not accomplish!/Apple in the Tree -/As long as there is no hope - hang -/It- -'Heaven 'is - to Me! "
  • Susanna Clarke's novel Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell refers to Tantalus: "This wine is one of the vintage of hell - but do not let yourself get hampered to taste it on that account! dare say you have heard of Tantalus? The evil king who roasted his little son with pies and ate them? He had been cursed to stand on his chin in a pool of water he could not drink, under a wine laden with wine [which he could not eat] This wine was made from the grapes, and because the vines were planted there only for the purpose of torturing Tantalus , You may be assured the grapes have excellent flavor and aroma - and so is the wine. "/li>
  • In the game's "Mass Effect" series, the "Normandy" spacecraft is driven by "Tantalus Drive" while it is in silent mode. The Tantalus Drive creates "gravity well" in front of the ship where "Normandy" "falls". Gravity well remains the same distance in front of the spacecraft which means that "Normandy" will never reach gravity well and fall into it. It's like fruit and water moving away when Tantalus reaches for it.
  • The Stargate SG-1 episode is titled The Torment of Tantalus , and displays characters whose knowledge and security goals are always out of reach.

Tantalus Lodge | Ski Safari

Tantalus in art

Tantalus big mountain skiing/riding - Altus Mountain Guides Ltd ...

See also

  • Brotea
  • Atreus House
  • Lycaon
  • Mount Sipylus
  • Mount Yamanlar
  • Niobe
  • Pelops
  • Sisyphus

Hydrogen's Personal Blog!: Tantalus's Gallery


The 5-Minute Tantalus-Arboretum Trail | Exploration: Hawaii


Tantalus Ski Mountaineering - Whistler and Squamish

External links

  • Media associated with Tantalus on Wikimedia Commons

Source of the article : Wikipedia
