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John Kerry brutalized on social media over 'lecture' to Israel ...

John Forbes Kerry (born December 11, 1943) is an American politician who served as the 68th State Minister of the United States from 2013 to 2017. A Democrat, formerly representing Massachusetts in the United States Senate from 1985 to 2013. He is a Democratic candidate in the 2004 presidential election, losing to presidential candidate George W. Bush.

Kerry was born in Aurora, Colorado and attended boarding schools in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. He graduated from Yale University in 1966 with a major in political science. Kerry registered at Naval Reserve in 1966, and between 1968 and 1969, he served a four-month tour abbreviated in South Vietnam as an in-charge (OIC) officer of the Swift Boat. For the service, he was awarded a combat medal which included the Silver Star Medal, Bronze Star Medal, and three Purple Heart Medals. Securing back to the United States, Kerry joined the Vietnam War Veterans' organization where he served as a nationally recognized spokesperson and as opposed to Vietnam War vowels. He appeared in the Fulbright Hearing before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs in which he considered US war policy in Vietnam as the cause of war crimes.

After receiving J.D. from Boston College Law School, Kerry works as Assistant District Attorney in Massachusetts. He served as Lieutenant Governor under Michael Dukakis from 1983 to 1985 and was elected to the US Senate in 1984 and sworn in the following January. At the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he led a series of hearings from 1987 to 1989 which was the forerunner of the Iran-Contra affair. Kerry was re-elected for additional terms in 1990, 1996, 2002, and 2008. On October 11, 2002, Kerry chose to authorize the President "to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein," but warned that the government should dispose of its diplomatic means before launching the war.

In his presidential campaign in 2004, Kerry criticized George W. Bush for the Iraq War. He and his partner, North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, lost the election, completing 35 electoral votes behind Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. Kerry returned to the Senate, became Chairman of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship in 2007 and later the Foreign Relations Committee in 2009. In January 2013, Kerry was nominated by President Barack Obama to replace Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and later confirmed by the US Senate , assuming the office on February 1, 2013. Kerry retained the position until the end of Obama's term on January 20, 2017.

Video John Kerry

Kehidupan awal dan pendidikan (1943-1966)

John Forbes Kerry was born on December 11, 1943 at the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center in Aurora, Colorado. He is the second of four children born to Richard John Kerry, an Officer and Officer of the Foreign Service, and Rosemary Isabel Forbes, a nurse and social activist. His father was raised Catholic (father's paternal grandfather was a Hungarian-Hungarian Jewish immigrant who converted to Catholicism) and his mother was Episcopal. She grew up with a sister named Margaret, a younger sister named Diana, and a younger brother named Cameron. Children are raised in their father's Catholic faith, and John serves as an altar boy.

Kerry grew a military boy until his father quit the Army Air Corps, causing his family to settle in Washington, DC in 1949. While in Washington, Richard took his place at the Navy's General Counsel's Office and soon became a diplomat at the United Nations Affairs Bureau at the Foreign Department Country.

Her wide maternal family enjoys extraordinary wealth as members of the Forbes and Dudley-Winthrop family. Kerry's parents are the upper middle class, and a wealthy rich aunt pays her to attend the elite boarding school.

In 1957, his father was stationed at the US Embassy in Oslo, Norway, and Kerry was sent back to the United States to attend boarding school. He first attended Fessenden School in Newton, Massachusetts, and then St. Paul's, Concord, New Hampshire, where he learns public speaking skills and begins to develop interest in politics. Kerry founded the John Winant Society at St. Paul's to debate today's issues; Society is still there.

In 1962, Kerry attended Yale University, majoring in political science and living at Jonathan Edwards College. While at Yale, Kerry is briefly dated Janet Auchincloss, the half sister of First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Through Auchincloss, Kerry was invited to one day sail with President John F. Kennedy and his family.

Kerry plays on the Yale Bulldogs Men's university soccer team, getting his only letter in his senior year. He also played freshman and JV hockey and, in his senior year, JV lacrosse. In addition, he was a member of the Psi Upsilon fraternity and took flight lessons.

In his second year, Kerry became Chairman of the Liberal Party of the Yale Political Union, and a year later he served as President of Unity. Among his influential teachers in this period was Professor H. Bradford Westerfield, who was also former President of Political Unity. His involvement with the Political Union gave him the opportunity to engage with current important issues, such as the civil rights movement and the New Frontier program. He also became a member of the Skull and Bones Society, and traveled to Switzerland via AIESEC Yale.

Under the guidance of the speaking trainer and professor of history Rollin G. Osterweis, Kerry won much debate against other students from across the country. In March 1965, when the Vietnam War increased, he won the Ten Eyck award as the best orator in the junior class for a critical speech against U.S. foreign policy In his speech he said, "This is a scourge of Western imperialism that causes more fear among Africans and Asians than communism and thus, it beats itself."

Kerry graduated from Yale with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1966. Overall, he had a lackluster grade, graduating with a cumulative average of 76 over four years. The average of his first year was 71, but he increased to an average of 81 for his senior year. He never received "A" during his time at Yale; the highest value is 89.

Maps John Kerry

Military service (1966-1970)

Assignment at USS Gridley

On February 18, 1966, Kerry enrolled in the Navy Reserve. He started his active military service on August 19, 1966. After completing a 16-week School of Candidate at the US Naval Training Center in Newport, Rhode Island, Kerry received a commission of officers on December 16, 1966. During the 2004 elections, Kerry posted his military records on his website, and allowing journalists to check their medical records. In 2005, Kerry released his military and medical records to representatives of three news organizations, but has not yet allowed full public access to the records.

During his visit at the USSÃ missile frigate, Gridley , Kerry asked for a task in South Vietnam, listing as his first preference position as commander of the Fast Patrol Craft (PCF), also known as "Swift boat." The 50 foot (15 m) boat has an aluminum hull and has little or no armor, but is highly armed and relies on speed. "I do not really want to get involved in the war," Kerry said in a book of Vietnamese memories published in 1986. "When I signed up for a fast boat, they had hardly anything to do with the war They were involved in a beach patrol and that's what I think I will do. "However, the second option of billet is on a river patrol boat, or" PBR ", which at that time serves a more dangerous task in the rivers of Vietnam.

Military awards

During the night of December 2 and the morning of December 3, 1968, Kerry was responsible for a small ship operating near the northern peninsula of Cam Ranh Bay along with the Swift boat (PCF-60). According to Kerry and the two crew who accompanied him that night, Patrick Runyon and William Zaladonis, they surprised a group of Vietnamese who lowered the canoe at a river crossing, which started running and failed to obey orders to stop. As the men fled, Kerry and his crew fired on the canoe and destroyed them, then quickly left. During this encounter, Kerry receives a shrapnel wound in the left arm above the elbow. For this wound Kerry received his first Purple Heart Medal.

Kerry received a second Purple Heart for a wound received in action in B? ?? River on February 20, 1969. The plan is for the Swift ship to be accompanied by a support helicopter. On the way up the Bo De, however, the helicopter was attacked. When the Swift boat reaches C River? A L? N, Kerry's boat was hit by a rocket propelled grenade round (round), and a piece of shrapnel hit Kerry's left leg, injuring herself. After that, enemy fire stopped and his boat reached the Gulf of Thailand safely. Kerry continued to have shrapnel embedded in his left thigh because the doctor who first took care of him decided to remove the damaged tissue and seal the wound with a stitch rather than opening it wide to release shrapnel. Though wounded like some others earlier in the day, Kerry does not lose time off from duty.

Silver Star

Eight days later, on February 28, 1969, came the event where Kerry was awarded the Silver Star Medal. On this occasion, Kerry is in tactical command of the Swift boat and two other Swift boats during combat operations. Their missions on the Duong Keo River include bringing underwater dismantling teams and dozens of South Vietnamese Marines to destroy enemy ships, structures and bunkers as described in The Death Of PCF story . Running into small arms fire from the banks of the river, Kerry "directs the units to return to shore and collect Viet Cong positions" and he "expertly directs" the fire of his ship which causes the enemy to flee while at the same time coordinating the insertion of the ninety South Vietnamese troops (according to the original medal quotation signed by Admiral Zumwalt). Moving short-range upstream, Kerry boats are the target of B-40 rockets; Kerry accused enemy positions and because his ship went to shore, a Viet Cong rebel ("VC") armed with a rocket launcher emerged from a spider hole and ran. While the ship's shooter opened fire, injured VC on foot, and while other boats approached and offered cover shots, Kerry jumped off the boat to chase the VC rebels, then killed him and caught his rocket launcher.

Kerry commander Lieutenant Commander George Elliott told Douglas Brinkley in 2003 that he did not know whether to try Kerry for carrying a boat without orders or giving him a medal for saving the crew. Elliott recommends Kerry for Silver Star, and Zumwalt flies to An Thoi to personally give medals to Kerry and the other sailors involved in the mission. Navy records about Kerry's actions are presented in the original medal quotation signed by Zumwalt. The engagement was documented in a report after the action, a press release written on March 1, 1969, and a historical summary dated March 17, 1969.

Bronze Star

On March 13, 1969, on the River BÃÆ'¡i HÃÆ'¡p, Kerry was responsible for one of five Swift ships returning to their base after carrying out Operation Sealords missions to transport the South Vietnamese troops from the garrison at CÃÆ'¡i N'c and MIKE Forces advisers to conduct raids in the Vietcong camp located on the Rach Dong Cung canal. Earlier in the day, Kerry received a few shrapnel wounds on the buttocks of blowing up a rice bunker. Debarking some but not all passengers in a small village, boats approaching fishing weirs; a group of boats wandering around to the left of the weir, hugging the beach, and a group with the Kerry PCF-94 boat moving right along the coastline. A mine was detonated just below the main ship, PCF-3, as it crossed the weir on the left, lifting PCF-3 "about 2-3 ft from the water".

James Rassmann, Green Beret adviser who is on PCF-94 Kerry, was thrown overboard when, according to witnesses and documentation of the event, a mine or rocket exploded near the ship. According to the documentation for the event, Kerry's arms were injured when she was thrown into the bulkhead during the explosion. PCF 94 returned to the scene and Kerry rescued Rassmann who received sniper fire from the water. Kerry received a Bronze Star Medal with Combat "V" for "heroic achievement", for his actions during this incident; he also received his third Purple Heart.

Return from Vietnam

After Kerry's third qualifying injury, he was entitled to Navy regulations to shift his duties from combat duty. Kerry's preferred choice for reassignment was as a military aide in Boston, New York City or Washington, DC On April 11, 1969, he reported to the Atlantic Military Marine Transportation Service in Brooklyn, where he would remain active for the following year. as a personal assistant to an officer, Rear Admiral Walter Schlech. On January 1, 1970, Kerry was promoted while becoming a full-time lieutenant. Kerry has approved the extension of his active duty obligations from December 1969 to August 1970 to perform the Swift Boat duties. John Kerry was on active duty in the United States Navy from August 1966 to January 1970. He continued to serve at the Sanctuary until February 1978.


With the continuing controversy that has surrounded George W. Bush's military service since the 2000 presidential election (when he was accused of using his father's political influence to gain entrance to Texas National Water Guard, thereby protecting him from conscription to the British State Army, and possibly service in the Vietnam War), the contrast status of John Kerry as a Vietnam War veteran adorned a problem for Bush's re-election campaign, which Republicans sought to fight by calling Kerry's warnings questionable. As the 2004 presidential campaign developed, about 250 members of the group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth (SBVT, later renamed Swift Vets and POWs for Truth) opposed Kerry's campaign. The group holds press conferences, advertises and endorses a book questioning Kerry's record of service and his military award. The group includes several members of the Kerry unit, such as Larry Thurlow, who leads a fast boat with Kerry, and Stephen Gardner, who is on duty on the Kerry boat. This campaign inspired the often-used "politically-transferred", to describe an unjust or incorrect political attack. Most of Kerry's former crew have stated that the allegations of SBVT are wrong.

John Kerry endorses Qatar boycott, Saudi anti-corruption drive ...

Anti-war activism (1970-1971)

Upon returning to the United States, Kerry joins the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW). Then totaling about 20,000, the VVAW is considered by some (including the administration of President Richard Nixon) to be an effective, if controversial, component of the antiwar movement. Kerry participated in the "Vicious Army Investigation" conducted by VVAW from US cruelty in Vietnam, and he appeared in a film with a name documenting the investigation. According to Defense Minister Nixon Melvin Laird, "I do not approve of what he does, but I understand the protesters fairly well", and he rejected two requests from the Navy to the military court, Lieutenant Kerry for his anti-war activities.

On April 22, 1971, Kerry appeared before a US Senate committee hearing about a proposal related to ending the war. A day after this testimony, Kerry participated in a demonstration with thousands of other veterans where he and other Vietnam War veterans threw their medals and service bands over a fence set up on the front steps of the US Capitol building to dramatize their opposition to the war. Jack Smith, a Marine, read a statement explaining why the veterans returned their military awards to the government. For over two hours, nearly 1,000 angry veterans threw their medals, ribbons, hats, jackets, and military documents onto the fence. Each veteran gives his name, hometown, service branch and statement. Kerry threw in some of her own decorations and appreciations as well as some given to her by other veterans to be thrown away. When Kerry threw the decor onto the fence, his statement was: "I do not do this for any violent reason, but for peace and justice, and to try and make this country rise once and for all."

Kerry was arrested on May 30, 1971, during the VVAW Parade to honor American war prisoners held hostage by North Vietnam. The parade was planned as a multi-day event from Concord to Boston, and while in Lexington, the participants tried to camp in a green village. At 2:30 am, local and state police arrested 441 demonstrators, including Kerry, for entering without permission. All were given Miranda Memorial and transported by school bus for the night at Lexington Public Works Garage. Kerry and other demonstrators then paid a $ 5 fine, and were released. Mass arrests caused community reaction and eventually provided positive coverage to VVAW.

Former US secretary of state John Kerry visits Tour de France ...

Early political career (1972-1985)

1972 Congressional election

In 1970, Kerry considered running for Congress in the main Democratic party against Democrat Philip J. Philbin of Massachusetts's 3rd congress district, but delayed to support Robert Drinan, a Jesuit priest and anti-war activist, who later defeated Philbin. In February 1972, Kerry's wife bought a house in Worcester, with Kerry intending to run for the thirteen-year-old district Democrat Harold Donohue. The couple never moved. After Congressman F. Bradford Morse of the neighboring 5 districts announced his resignation and then resigned to become Deputy Secretary General for General and Political Affairs at the United Nations. The couple instead rented an apartment in Lowell, so Kerry could run to replace him.

Including Kerry, the Democratic primary race has 10 candidates, including lawyer Paul J. Sheehy, Country Representatives Anthony R. DiFruscia, John J. Desmond and Robert B. Kennedy. Kerry runs a "very expensive and sophisticated campaign", funded by supporters from outside the country and supported by many young volunteers. DiFruscia campaign headquarters share the same building with Kerry's house. On the night before September 19, police found the sister of Kerry, Cameron, and director of the Thomas J. Vallely campaign field, breaking through where the building telephone line was located. They were arrested and charged with "breaking and entering with the intention to commit a large theft", but the indictment was dropped a year later. At the time of the incident, DiFruscia alleged that the two were trying to disrupt voting efforts. Vallely and Cameron Kerry maintain that they only check their own phone line because they have received an anonymous call alert that the Kerry line will be cut off.

Despite the arrest, Kerry won a primary with 20,771 votes (27.56%). Sheehy was second with 15,641 votes (20.75%), followed by DiFruscia with 12,222 votes (16.22%), Desmond with 10,213 votes (13.55%) and Kennedy with 5,632 votes (7.47%). The remaining 10,891 votes were shared among five other candidates, with the 1970 Richard Williams nomination coming in last with only 1,706 votes (2.26%).

In elections, Kerry was initially favored to defeat Republican candidates, former State Representative Paul W. Cronin, and conservative Democrat Roger P. Durkin, who ran for independence. A week after the primary election, a poll put Kerry 26 points ahead of Cronin. His campaign called for a national health insurance system, discounted prescription drugs for the unemployed, a job program to clean up the Merrimack River and rent out controls at Lowell and Lawrence. The main obstacle, however, is the county's leading newspaper, the conservative The Sun . Editorial paper against it. It also contains critical news about his foreign contributions and his "camp sack", as he has just moved to the district in April. Subsequently, "Watergate" was released. Oval Office office recordings from the Nixon White House show that defeating Kerry's candidacy has drawn President Nixon's personal attention. Kerry himself confirmed that Nixon sent an agent to Lowell to help thwart his campaign.

The race is the most expensive for the Congress in the country years and four days before the general election, Durkin drew and supported Cronin, hoping to see Kerry beaten. A week earlier, the polls had put Kerry 10 points ahead of Cronin, with Dukin at 13%. In the last days of the campaign, Kerry sensed that it was "away" and Cronin won with 110,970 votes (53.45%) to Kerry 92.847 (44.72%). After his defeat, Kerry lamented a letter to supporters that "for two solid weeks, the Sun called me not an American, a New Left, unpatriotic anti-war destroyer, and labeled me every 'and' anti-'they can find.It's hard to believe that a single newspaper can be very powerful, but they are. "He then feels that his failure to respond directly to The Sun spanned the attack. charge him the race.

Legal career

After Kerry's 1972 defeat, he and his wife bought a house in Belvidere, Lowell, into a decade that then called Cameron's brother "the years in exile". He spent some time working as a fundraiser for the Cooperative for Aid and Help Everywhere (CARE), an international humanitarian organization. In September 1973, he entered Boston College Law School. While studying, Kerry worked as a radio talk host at WBZ and, in July 1974, was appointed executive director of Mass Action, a Massachusetts advocacy association.

Kerry received Juris Doctor (J.D.) from Boston College in 1976. While in law school, he became a student attorney at the Middlesex County District Attorney's office, John J. Droney. After passing the exam and received at the Massachusetts bar in 1976, he worked in the office as a full-time prosecutor.

In January 1977, Droney promoted him as First Assistant District Attorney, essentially making Kerry his campaign and media substitute for Droney suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's Disease). As First Assistant, Kerry tried a few cases, including winning penalties in cases of high profile rapes and murders. He also plays a role in managing the office, including initiating the establishment of white collar crime units and specialized organized organizations, establishing programs to address rape and other victims of crime and witnesses, and managing experimental calendars to reflect case priorities. In this role in 1978, Kerry announced an investigation into possible criminal charges against Senator Edward Brooke, regarding "misstatement" in his first divorce trial. The investigation concluded with no indictment brought after investigators and prosecutors determined that Brooke's misstatement was related to the case, but not material enough to influence the outcome.

Droney's health was bad and Kerry decided to run for his position in the 1978 election, if Droney broke up. However, Droney was re-elected and his health improved; he went on to retrieve many of the tasks he had delegated to Kerry. Kerry therefore decided to leave, departing in 1979 with assistant DA Roanne Sragow to establish their own law firm. Kerry also works as a commentator for WCVB-TV and set up a bakery, Kilvert & amp; Forbes Ltd., with businessman and former assistant Kennedy K. Dun Gifford.

Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts

In 1982, Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts Thomas P. O'Neill III refused to seek a third term to run for Massachusetts governor. Kerry declared his candidacy, entering a major election with Massachusetts Environmental Affairs Secretary Evelyn Murphy, State Senator Samuel Rotondi, Country Representatives Lou Nickinello and Lois Pines.

Kerry won nominations with 325,890 votes (29%) to Murphy's 286,378 (25.48%), Rotondi's 228,086 (20.29%), Nickinello's 150,829 (13.42%) and Pines 132,734 (11.81%). In the administration of the same governor, former Governor Michael Dukakis defeated governor Edward J. King in power. Ticket Dukakis/Kerry beat Republican ticket John W. Sears and Leon Lombardi in the general election with 1,219,109 votes (61.92%) to 749,679 (38.08%).

As Lieutenant Governor, Kerry chaired a meeting of the Board of Governors of Massachusetts. Dukakis also delegates other tasks to Kerry, including serving as a liaison state to the federal government. She is also active in environmental issues, including combating acid rain.

1984 US Senate election

US junior senator from Massachusetts, Paul Tsongas, announced in 1984 that he would resign for health reasons. Kerry ran, and as in the 1982 race for Lieutenant Governor, he did not receive support from the regular party at the country's Democratic convention. Congressman James Shannon, the favorite Speaker of the House Speaker O'Neill, was an early favorite to win the nomination, and he "won wide-ranging support and lead in early voting." Again as in 1982, however, Kerry won at a close primer.

In an election campaign, Kerry promises to mix liberalism with tight budget controls. He defeated Republic Ray Shamie despite a national landslide for re-election of Republican President Ronald Reagan, for whom Massachusetts voted with narrow margins. In his victory speech, Kerry insists that his victory means that the people of Massachusetts "strongly reject the politics of selfishness and the idea that women should be treated as second-class citizens."

Tsongas resigned on January 2, 1985, one day before the end of his term. Dukakis appointed Kerry to fill the void, giving him seniority over the other new senators sworn in on 3rd January, the preliminary schedule of their new requirements.

Carr: John Kerry perfect choice to win first 'Teddy' | Boston Herald

US. Senate (1985-2013)

Iran-Contra Hearing

On April 18, 1985, several months after taking the Senate seat, Kerry and Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa traveled to Nicaragua and met with the country's president, Daniel Ortega. Although Ortega has won an internationally certified election, the trip was criticized because Ortega and his left-lean Sandinista government has strong ties with Cuba and the Soviet Union and is accused of human rights abuses. The Sandinista government was opposed by the right-wing CIA-backed rebels known as the Contras. While in Nicaragua, Kerry and Harkin talked to people on both sides of the conflict. Through senators, Ortega offered a ceasefire agreement in exchange for backing the United States from Contras. The offer was condemned by the Reagan administration as a "propaganda initiative" designed to influence the House's vote on a $ 14 million Contra aid package, but Kerry said "I am willing... to take risks in an attempt to be punished." test the Sandinista good faith. "The House rejected Contra's help, but Ortega flew to Moscow to receive a $ 200 million loan the following day, partly pushing the House to provide a $ 27 million aid package six weeks later.

Meanwhile, Kerry's staff initiated their own investigation and, on October 14, issued a report exposing illegal activities on the side of Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, who had formed a private network involving the National Security Council and the CIA to deliver military equipment to right-wing Nicaraguan rebels (Contras). As a result, the North and certain members of the Presidential administration are being accused by Kerry's report of illegal funding and supplying armed militants without Congressional authorization. The investigation of Kerry's staff, based on a year-long investigation and interviews with fifty unnamed sources, is said to pose "a serious question about whether the United States has complied with the law in handling contras for the past three years."

The Kerry Committee report found that "Contra drug links include..... payments to drug traffickers by the US State Department authorized by Congress for humanitarian aid to the Contras, in some cases after merchants have been indicted by the federal government. drug charges while others while merchants are being actively investigated by this same agency. "The US State Department paid over $ 806,000 to drug traffickers known to bring humanitarian aid to the Contras. Kerry's findings provoked little reaction in Washington's media and officials.

Kerry's report is the forerunner of Iranian-Contra affairs. On May 4, 1989, North was convicted of allegations of Iran's controversy/Contra, including three serious offenses. On September 16, 1991, however, Northern confidence was canceled on appeal.

Government of George H. W. Bush

On November 15, 1988, at a breakfast businessman in East Lynn, Massachusetts, Kerry made a joke about President-elect George HW Bush and his partner, saying "if Bush is shot, the Secret Service has an order to shoot Dan Quayle." He apologizes on the day next.

During their investigation of Noriega, Kerry's staff found reason to believe that Pakistan-based Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) had facilitated Noriega drug trafficking and money laundering. This led to a separate investigation into BCCI, and as a result, the banking regulator closed the BCCI in 1991. In December 1992, Kerry and Senator Hank Brown, a Republican from Colorado, released The BCCI Affair, a report about the BCCI scandal. The report shows that the bank is bent and works with terrorists, including Abu Nidal. It denounced the Department of Justice, the Treasury, the Customs Service, the Federal Reserve Bank, as well as the influential lobbyists and the CIA.

Kerry was criticized by some Democrats for pursuing his own party members, including former Secretary of Defense Clark Clifford, although Republicans say he should squeeze some Democrats even harder. The BCCI scandal was later submitted to the Manhattan District Attorney's office.

Precursors for presidential offer

In 1996, Kerry faced a difficult re-election struggle against Governor William Weld, a popular Republican presidential candidate who was re-elected in 1994 with 71% of the vote. The race was nationally covered as one of the most closely monitored Senate races of the year. Kerry and Weld held several debates and negotiated a $ 6.9 million campaign spending limit at Kerry's Beacon Hill town house. Both candidates spent more than the limit, with each camp accusing the other of being the first to break the agreement. During the campaign, Kerry spoke briefly at the 1996 Democratic National Convention. Kerry won re-election with 52 percent to 45 percent Weld.

In the 2000 presidential election, Kerry finds herself almost elected as a vice presidential couple.

A release from the presidential campaign of Democratic nominee nominee Al Gore lists Kerry on a short list to be elected as vice presidential candidate, along with North Carolina Senator John Edwards, Indiana Evan Bayh Senator, Missouri Congressman Richard Gephardt, New Hampshire Governor Jeanne Shaheen and Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman.

"You are stuck in Iraq" controversy

On October 30, 2006, Kerry became the keynote speaker on a campaign held for California Democratic Candidate candidate Phil Angelides at Pasadena City College in Pasadena, California. Speaking to a largely college audience, Kerry said, "You know, education, if you use it, you study hard, you do your homework and you try to be smart, you can do it well If you do not, You're stuck in Iraq. "

The day after the statement was published, leaders from both sides of the political spectrum criticized Kerry's remark, which he said was a failed joke. Republican parties including President George W. Bush, Senator John McCain and then House Speaker Dennis Hastert, said that Kerry's comments insulted the American military forces who fought in Iraq. Democratic Representative Harold Ford, Jr. asked Kerry to apologize.

Kerry initially stated: "Let me make it clear, as clear as I know how.I apologize to anyone for my criticism of the president and his broken policy." Kerry also responded to criticism from George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

Kerry said that he had intended to say the comments as a blow to President Bush, and described the statement as "a chaotic joke", for inadvertently abandoning the "we" keyword (which should have been, "If not, you made us < > trapped in Iraq "), as well as leaving the phrase" just ask President Bush "from the end of the sentence. In his prepared speech by Kerry, whom he released during the next media frenzy, the appropriate line is "... you finally got us trapped in the war in Iraq." Just ask President Bush. " He also said that from the context of a speech that, before the line "stuck in Iraq", made some specific reference to Bush and his biographical elements, that Kerry refers to President Bush and not the American troops in general.

After two days of media coverage, citing the desire not to be a diversion, Kerry apologizes to those who are offended by what he calls misinterpretation of his comments.

Afghanistan and Pakistan

The Washington Post report in May 2011 states that Kerry "has appeared in recent years as an important envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan during times of crisis," as he traveled to both countries. The killing of Osama bin Laden "has produced perhaps the most important crossroads," the report continued, as the senator spoke at a press conference and prepared to fly from Kabul to Pakistan. Among the issues discussed during May's visit to Pakistan, under the general rubric of "recalibration" of bilateral relations, Kerry searched for and retrieved from Pakistan the part of a US helicopter that had to be abandoned in Abbottabad during the bin Laden attack.. In 2013, Kerry meets with Pakistani army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani to discuss the peace process with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Voting record


Most of the analyzes put Kerry's ballot record on the left in the Senate Democrat caucus. During the 2004 presidential election he was described as a staunch liberal by conservative and Bush campaign groups, who often noted that in 2003, Kerry was rated as the National Liberal National Senator. However, the ratings are based solely on voting on the law in the past year. In fact, in terms of career voting records, National Journal found that Kerry was the 11th most liberal Senate member. Most analyzes have found that Kerry is at least slightly more liberal than the typical Democratic Senator. Kerry has stated that he opposes the privatization of Social Security, supports abortion rights for adult women and minors, supports same-sex marriage, opposes the death penalty except for terrorists, supports most of the weapons control laws, and is generally a supporter of the trade agreement. Kerry supports the North American Free Trade Agreement and Most Favored Nation status for China, but opposes the Central American Free Trade Agreement.

In July 1997, Kerry joined his Senate counterparts in a vote against the Kyoto Treaty's ratification of global warming with no limits on greenhouse gas emissions in emerging countries, including India and China. Since then, Kerry has attacked President Bush, accusing him of opposition to international efforts to combat global warming.

On October 1, 2008, Kerry voted for the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, also known as the TARP bailout.


Towards the Iraq War, Kerry said on October 9, 2002; "I will vote to give the President of the United States the authority to use force, if necessary, to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that the deadly weapon of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and serious threat to our security.. "Bush relied on the resolution in order to invade Iraq 2003. Kerry also gave a speech January 23, 2003 to Georgetown University said" Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He was a brutal dictator and murderer; leading the oppressive regime he presents a very sad threat because he is so consistently inclined to miscalculation. So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real. "Kerry, however, warned that the government should drain its diplomatic path before launching the war:" Mr. President, do not rush into war, take time to build a coalition, because it's not winning a difficult war, it's hard to win peace. "

After the invasion of Iraq, when no weapons of mass destruction were found, Kerry strongly condemned Bush, stating that he had misled the country: "When the President of the United States sees you and tells you something, there must be trust."


Kerry chaired the Senate Select Committee at POW/MIA Affairs from 1991 to 1993. The committee's report, supported by Kerry, states there is "no strong evidence to prove that every American lives in captivity in Southeast Asia." In 1994, the Senate passed a resolution sponsored by Kerry and fellow Vietnam war veteran John McCain, who called for an end to the trade embargo against Vietnam; it was meant to pave the way for normalization. In 1995, President Bill Clinton normalized diplomatic relations with the Vietnamese state.

Kerry was chairman of the Democratic Senator's Campaign Committee from 1987 to 1989. He was re-elected to the Senate in 1990, 1996 (after winning re-election against Governor-during Massachusetts Republican William Weld), 2002, and 2008. In January 2009, Kerry replaced Joe Biden as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

As an example to campus leaders across the country and a strong supporter of global development, Kerry was honored by Millennium Campus Network (MCN) as the winner of the Global Generation Award in 2011.

Committees assignment

During his tenure, Kerry serves on four Senate committees and nine subcommittees:

  • Committees of Commerce, Science and Transport
    • Flight, Security, and Security Operations Subcommittee
    • Communications, Technology and Internet (Chair) Subcommittee
    • Subcommittee on Competitiveness, Innovation and Export Promotion
    • Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmospheres, Fisheries, and Coast Guards
    • Subcommittee on Science and Space
    • Subcommittee on Transport of Surface and Infrastructure of Marine, Security, and Security of Traders
  • Financial Committee
    • Subcommittee on Healthcare
    • Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure
    • Subcommittee on International Trade, Customs and Global Competitiveness
  • Foreign Relations Committee (Chairman 2009-2013)
  • Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee
  • Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
  • Shared Select Committee on Deficit Reduction

caucus membership

  • High Speed ​​Congressional Bicameral and Intercity Rail Caucus
  • Congressional Internet Caucus
  • Vietnam Congress-The Veterans Caucus (Co-Chair) Era
  • International Conservation Caucus
  • Senate of Caucus Prosecutor (Co-Chairman)
  • Oceans Caucus Senate


From the start of the 113th US Congress until his resignation, Kerry entered as the 7th US senior senator. Due to the longevity of Ted Kennedy's services, Kerry was the most senior junior senator in the 111th US Congress. On Tuesday, August 25, 2009, Kerry became senior senator from Massachusetts after the death of Ted Kennedy.

John Kerry: I Have 'Serious Doubts That Lee Harvey Oswald Acted ...

2004 presidential campaign

In the 2004 Democratic presidential election, John Kerry defeated several Democrat rivals, including Senator John Edwards (D-North Carolina), former Vermont governor Howard Dean and retired Army General Wesley Clark. His victory at the Iowa caucus is widely believed to be a critical point where Kerry revived a sagging campaign in New Hampshire and February 3, 2004, primary countries such as Arizona, South Carolina and New Mexico. Kerry then went on to win landslide victories in Nevada and Wisconsin. Thus Kerry won a Democratic nomination to run for President of the United States against the ruling George W. Bush. On July 6, 2004, he announced the election of John Edwards as his spouse. Democratic strategist Bob Shrum, who was Kerry's campaign adviser in 2004, wrote an article in Time magazine claiming that after the election Kerry said he hoped he never chose Edwards, and that both had stopped talking one another. In his subsequent appearance on ABC This Week, Kerry refuses to respond to Shrum's accusations, calling it a "silly waste of time."

During his election as president in 2004, Kerry often criticized President George W. Bush for starting the Iraq War. While Kerry initially provided support to allow President Bush to use force in dealing with Saddam Hussein, he opted against the additional bill of $ 87 billion to pay for the next war. His statement on March 16, 2004, "I really voted for $ 87 billion before I voted against it," helped Bush's campaign to paint him as a flip-flopper and has been cited as contributing to Kerry's defeat.

On 3 November 2004, Kerry admitted the race. Kerry won 59.03 million votes, or 48.3 percent of the popular vote; Bush won 62.04 million votes, or 50.7 percent of the popular vote. Kerry carries countries with a total of 252 electoral votes. One of Kerry's voters chose Kerry's spouse, Edwards, so in the last count, Kerry has 251 electoral votes for Bush's 286.

ESSAY #1: John Kerry is the Snow Miser | SugarBombed

The presidential election later

Immediately after the 2004 election, some Democrats mentioned Kerry as a rival for the 2008 Democratic nomination. His brother had said such a campaign was "imaginable", and Kerry himself reportedly said at a farewell party for his campaign staff in 2004, "There are always four more years. "

Kerry formed a separate political action committee, Keeping the American Promise, expressed as mandated "A Democratic Congress will restore accountability to Washington and help change disaster courses in Iraq", and raise money and channel contributions to Democratic candidates in federal states and races.. Through Keeping the American Promise in 2005, Kerry raised more than $ 5.5 million for other Democrats up and down ballots. Through his campaign account and his political action committee, Kerry's campaign campaign generated more than $ 10 million for various party committees and 179 candidates for the House of Representatives, Senate, state and local offices in 42 countries focusing on part-time elections during the 2006 election cycle. "Cumulatively, John Kerry has done as much as possible if not more than any other individual senator," Hassan Nemazee, chairman of the DSCC national finance, said.

On January 10, 2008, Kerry supported Illinois Senator Barack Obama for the presidency. He was touted as a vice-presidential candidate for Senator Obama, though fellow Senator Joe Biden was eventually elected. After Biden received a vice presidential nomination, speculation emerged that John Kerry would be a candidate for the Secretary of State in the Obama administration. However, Senator Hillary Clinton was offered the position.

During Obama's 2012 re-election campaign, Kerry participated in the preparation of a one-on-one debate with the president, imitating Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

John Kerry flops in attempt to save Iran nuke deal | Boston Herald

Secretary of State (2013-2017)


On December 15, 2012, news outlets reported that President Barack Obama would nominate Kerry to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, after Susan Rice, widely seen as Obama's preferred choice, withdrew her name from the consideration of quoting a politicized confirmation process after criticism of his response to the 2012 Benghazi attack. On December 21, Obama proposed a nomination that received positive comments. The hearing took place on 24 January 2013, before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the same panel in which he first testified in 1971. The Committee unanimously voted to approve it on January 29, 2013, and on the same day the full Senate confirmed it on voting 94-3. In a letter to Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, Kerry announced his resignation from the Senate effective Feb. 1.


Kerry was appointed as Foreign Minister on February 1, 2013.

After six months of intense diplomacy in the Middle East, Secretary Kerry can ask Israeli and Palestinian negotiators to agree to start the 2013-14 Israel-Palestine peace talks. Senior US officials said the two sides could meet on July 30, 2013 at the State Department without an American mediator after dinner the previous night hosted by Kerry.

On 27 September 2013, he met Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif during P5 1 and the Iran Summit, which eventually led to the JCPOA nuclear agreement. This is the highest level of direct contact between the United States and Iran in the last six years, making him the first US Secretary of State to have met his counterparts from Iran since the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

At the State Department, Kerry quickly gained a reputation of "being alone, looking after himself, and not bothering to read staff memos." Department of Career officials have complained that power has become too centralized under Kerry's leadership, which slows departmental operations when Kerry is on one of his frequent overseas trips. Others in the State describe Kerry as "a kind of attention deficit diplomatic distraction" as he shifts from topic to topic rather than focusing on long-term strategy. When asked if he was traveling too much, he replied, "Hell no, I'm not slowing down." Despite Kerry's early achievements, the spirit in the State is lower than under Hillary Clinton according to department employees. However, after Kerry's first six months in the State Department, a Gallup poll found he has a high approval rating among Americans as Secretary of State. After one year, other polls show Kerry's perks continue to rise. Less than two years of Kerry's tenure, Ivory Tower 2014 Survey from the Foreign Relations Institute, international relations experts ask, "Who has been the most effective US Secretary of State in the last 50 years?"; John Kerry and Lawrence Eagleburger are tied for the 11th position of 15 Secretary of State confirmed in that period.

In January 2014, after meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Archbishop Pietro Parolin, Kerry said, "We have touched almost all the major issues we are addressing, which is a matter of concern to us all. very long about Syria, and I am very grateful to the Archbishop who raised this matter, and are equally grateful for the comment of the Holy Father - the Pope commented yesterday about his support for the Geneva process II.We welcome the support.It is important to have broad support, and I know that the Pope is deeply concerned by the large number of human and violent refugees who have taken over 130,000 lives ".

Kerry expressed support for Israel's right to self-defense during the 2014 Gaza-Israel conflict.

Kerry said the United States backed Saudi-led intervention in Yemen because Saudi Arabia, an ally, was threatened "very directly" by the takeover of its neighboring Yemen by Huthi, but noted that the United States would not reflexively support Saudi Arabia's proxy. war against Iran.

On December 28, 2016, shortly after United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 ended 14-0 with no US gain, Kerry joined other members of the UN Security Council by strongly criticizing Israel's settlement policy in a speech. His speech and criticism met a negative reaction from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, while British Prime Minister Theresa May drove England away from Kerry's highly worded speech in what appeared to be an attempt to build a bridge with the Trump administrations. Kerry's speech received a positive reaction from Arab countries, but some criticized his statements as being too little, too late from the outgoing government.


After August 21, 2013, a chemical weapons strike on the outskirts of Ghota in Damascus linked to Syrian government forces, Kerry became a major supporter of the use of military force against the Syrian government for what he called "the despotic and striking usage of weapons chemistry."

Kerry said on September 9 in response to a reporter's question about whether Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could prevent a military offensive: "He can hand over every bit of his chemical weapon to the international community next week." Turn it over, without delay, and allow full accounting and the total for it, but he will not do it, and it can not be done, it is clear. "This unanimous statement initiated a process that would lead to Syria agreeing to release and destroy its weapons of chemical weaponry, as Russia treats Kerry's statement as a serious proposal. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said Russia would work "soon" to convince Syria to release and destroy the weapons of major chemical weapons. Syria quickly welcomed this proposal and on September 14, the UN formally accepted the Syrian application to join a convention banning chemical weapons, and separately, the US and Russia agreed on a plan to eliminate Syrian chemical weapons by mid 2014, leading Kerry to announce July 20, 2014: "we made a deal where we got 100 percent chemical weapons." On September 28, the UN Security Council passed a resolution ordering the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons and condemning the August 21 attack on Ghouta.

Latin America

In a speech to the Organization of American States in November 2013, Kerry said that the Monroe Doctrine era has come to an end. He went on to explain, "The relationship we are looking for and which we have worked hard to encourage is not about the United States declaration of how and when it will interfere in the affairs of other American states." It is about all our countries seeing one another as equal , sharing responsibility, working together on security issues, and sticking to doctrine, but on the decisions we make as partners to advance the values ​​and interests we share. "


Kerry has had a long-standing concern with environmentalism as a global issue. In April 2016, he signed the Paris Climate Agreement at the United Nations in New York.

On November 11, 2016, Kerry became the first Secretary of State and the highest US official to date to visit Antarctica. Kerry spent two days at a continental meeting with researchers and spent the night at McMurdo Station.

In 1994, Kerry led the opposition to ongoing funding for the Integral Rapid Reactor, which resulted in the end of funding for the project. However, given growing worries about climate change, in 2017 Kerry reversed his position on nuclear power, saying "Given the challenges we face today, and given the progress of the fourth generation of nuclear: do alternative, zero emissions."

Global Connect initiative

In September 2015, the US State Department launched a new initiative called "Global Connect" which aims to provide internet access to more than 1.5 billion people worldwide who do not have online connectivity by 2020. In 2016, in partnership with OPIC, Kerry announced an investment of $ 171 million to enable "low-cost and fast scalable wireless broadband network in India". OPIC financing is aimed at helping Indian Partners, Tikona Digital Networks, to provide the Internet through wireless technology.

John Kerry: I Have 'Serious Doubts That Lee Harvey Oswald Acted ...

Post-Obama Administration

Kerry retired from his diplomatic work after the Obama administration ended on 20 January 2017. He did not attend Donald Trump's inauguration that day, and the following day took part in 2017 March Women in Washington DC Kerry has taken a strong stand against Trump's policies and joined in the filing of arguments brief against a new presidential executive order banning the entry of people from seven Muslim countries.

Writing his memoir

According to news reports, Kerry intends to write his first memoir, which will come out in 2018.


In April 2017, Kerry bought an 18 acre property in the northwest corner of Martha's Vineyard overlooking Vineyard Sound in the town of Chilmark, Massachusetts. The property is located on Seven Gates Farm and according to the property records, it costs $ 11.75 million for a seven bedroom house.

ESSAY #1: John Kerry is the Snow Miser | SugarBombed

Personal and family life


Kerry's paternal grandfather, Frederick A's shoe entrepreneur "Fred" Kerry and Ida Lowe musician, are immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Fred was born "Fritz Kohn" before he and Ida took the name "Kerry" and moved to the United States. Fred and Ida were born Jews, and converted to Catholicism together in Austria. Her maternal ancestor was of Scottish and English descent, and her maternal grandfather James Grant Forbes II was a member of the Forbes family, while Margaret's maternal grandmother Tyndal Winthrop was a member of the Dudley-Winthrop family. The paternal grandfather's father, Robert Charles Winthrop serves as the 22nd Speaker of the US House of Representatives. Robert's father was Governor Thomas Lindall Winthrop. Thomas's father, John Still Winthrop, is the great-grandson of Massachusetts Bayernian Colonist John Winthrop and great-grandson of Governor Thomas Dudley. Through his mother, John was the first cousin after being transferred from French politician Brice Lalonde.

Marriage and children

Kerry married Julia Stimson Thorne in 1970, and they have two daughters together:

  • Alexandra Forbes Kerry (born September 5, 1973), documentary filmmaker
  • Vanessa Bradford Kerry (born December 31, 1976), doctor

Alexandra was born a few days before Kerry started law school. In 1982, Julia asked Kerry to part when she was suffering from severe depression. They divorced on July 25, 1988, and the marriage was officially annulled in 1997. "After 14 years as a political wife, I associate politics with only anger, fear, and loneliness" he writes in my Heart Changes, his book on depression. Thorne later married Richard Charlesworth, an architect, and moved to Bozeman, Montana, where he became active in local neighborhood groups such as the Big Yellowstone Coalition. Thorne supported Kerry's 2004 presidential election. He died of cancer on April 27, 2006.

Kerry and his wife, entrepreneur and philanthropist born Mozambique Maria Teresa Thierstein SimÃÆ'Âμes Ferreira (known as Teresa), the widow of Pennsylvania's distinguished Pennsylvania Senate Henry John Heinz III was introduced to Heinz at an Earth Day rally in 1990 Early next year, Senator Heinz was killed in a plane crash near Lower Merion. Teresa has three sons from her previous marriage with Heinz, Henry John Heinz IV, Andrà ©  © Thierstein Heinz, and Christopher Drake Heinz. Heinz and Kerry were married on May 26, 1995, in Nantucket, Massachusetts.

The Forbes 400 Survey was estimated in 2004 that Teresa Heinz Kerry has a net worth of $ 750 million. However, estimates often vary, ranging from about $ 165 million to as high as $ 3.2 billion, according to a study in Los Angeles Times. Regardless of which number is correct, Kerry is the richest US Senator serving in the Senate. Independent of Heinz, Kerry is rich in himself, and is a beneficiary of at least four trusts inherited from the Forbes family's relatives, including his mother, Rosemary Forbes Kerry, who died in 2002. magazine (named for family of Forbes publishers, unrelated to Kerry) estimates that if elected, and if the Heinz family assets are included, Kerry will become the third richest US President in history, when adjusted for inflation. This assessment is based on the combined assets of Heinz and Kerry, but the couple signed a prenup agreement that kept their assets separate. Kerry's financial disclosure form for 2011 puts her personal assets in the range of $ 230 million to $ 320 million, including her partner's assets and dependent children. This included a little over three million dollars of Company assets H. J. Heinz, which increased in value by more than six hundred thousand dollars in 2013 when Berkshire Hathaway announced their intention to buy the company.

Religious belief

Kerry is a Roman Catholic, and is said to have brought religious rosaries, prayer books, and medals. Christopher (the patron saint of travelers) when he campaigns. Discussing his faith, Kerry said: "I am thinking of becoming a priest, I am very religious when I am in school in Switzerland I am an altar boy and pray all the time I am very concentrated around the Mass and the church. He also said that Paul's Letters (the Apostle Paul) transferred the most, stating that they taught him to "not feel sorry for himself."

Kerry told Christianity Today in October 2004:

I am a Catholic and I practice, but at the same time I have an openness to many other spiritual expressions that come through different religions... I spend time reading and thinking about religion and trying to learn it. , and I have come to not only the sense of difference, but the sense of commonality in many ways.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
